slow | 9. (of film used in photography) not reacting quickly to light, lambat respons thdp cahaya: this film is too ~ for indoor photography, filem ini terlalu lambat respons thdp cahaya bagi mengambil gambar di kawasan tertutup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
response | n 1. reply, answer, jawapan: she has written a letter, but has had no ~, dia telah menulis surat, tetapi tdk mendapat jawapan; my question brought no ~, pertanyaan saya tdk mendapat jawapan; 2. positive reaction, respons, gerak balas; (of vehicle) respons; (to an appeal) sambutan: his only ~ to the challenge was a sneer, satu-satunya respons dia thdp cabaran itu ialah memberi ejekan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
respond | the pupil of the eye ~s to changes in the intensity of light, anak mata bergerak balas thdp perubahan dlm keamatan cahaya; children ~ to kindness, kanak-kanak memberikan respons thdp kebaikan; the boat did not ~ to the helm, bot itu tdk mengikut apabila dikemudikan; many people ~ed to the committee’s appeal, ramai orang yg menyambut baik rayuan jawatankuasa itu; 4. (of disease etc) react to treatment, berkesan: the injured knee has ~ed well to physiotherapy, fisioterapi itu begitu berkesan thdp lututnya yg cedera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
response | the Ministry’s ~ was predictable, gerak balas Kementerian itu memang diramalkan; the slight pressure of his foot on the acceleration evoked an immediate ~, menekan minyak sedikit sahaja telah menimbulkan respons yg segera; the ~ to the appeal was overwhelming, sambutan kpd rayuan itu menakjubkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pat 1 | n 1. gentle tap with fingers or open hand, tepukan: the dog never fails to respond to a kind word and a ~, anjing itu sentiasa memberi respons thdp kata-kata lembut dan tepukan; he gave his friend a reassuring ~ on the shoulder, dia memberikan tepukan pd bahu rakannya utk meyakinkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
respond | vi 1. give a verbal or written answer, menjawab: I asked him but he didn’t ~, saya menanyainya tetapi dia tdk menjawab; I ~ed to her letter immediately, saya menjawab suratnya dgn segera; 2. do st in reply, membalas: the other driver ~ed by sounding the horn, pemandu lain membalas dgn membunyikan hon; 3. react positively, memberikan respons, bergerak balas; (of vehicle) mengikut; (to appeal) menyambut (dgn) baik: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |