living | /earn, make/ a ~, mencari /nafkah, rezeki/: she earns a ~ as a house-keeper, dia mencari rezeki sbg pengurus rumah tangga; make a good ~, memperoleh pendapatan yg lumayan: it is possible to make a good ~ from this business, adalah tdk mustahil utk memperoleh pendapatan yg lumayan drpd perniagaan ini; 4. the ~, those still alive, yg masih hidup: at this terrible time, their concern is for the ~ rather than the dead, dlm keadaan yg dahsyat ini, mereka harus lebih mementingkan yg masih hidup drpd yg mati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gift | a ~ from the gods, rezeki dr tuhan: the winnings were really a ~ from the gods, wang yg dimenangi itu betul-betul rezeki dr tuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bread | n 1. food made by mixing flour with water etc, roti; 2. livelihood, rezeki, nafkah, sara hidup: he earns his ~ as a rubber tapper, dia mencari rezeki dgn bekerja sbg penoreh getah; 3. (sl) fulus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
penny | pennies from heaven, (colloq) durian runtuh, rezeki datang bergolek, duit terpijak; a ~ for your thoughts, (colloq) apa yg kamu /fikirkan, menungkan/; the ~ (has) dropped, (colloq) dapat menangkap sst, faham: finally, the ~ dropped and he joined in the laughter, akhirnya, dia dapat menangkap maksudnya dan turut sama ketawa; /earn, turn/ an honest ~, mencari /duit, rezeki/ yg halal: I’m just an ordinary businessman trying to earn an honest ~, saya hanya seorang peniaga biasa yg mencuba mencari duit yg halal; keep | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eke | ~ out /o’s livelihood, a living/, menghematkan, menjimatkan/ rezeki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bread | ~ and water, roti dgn air; daily ~, periuk nasi; earn o’s daily ~, mencari /nafkah, rezeki/; know on which side o’s ~ is buttered, tahu menjaga kepentingan sso; take the ~ out of so’s mouth, merosakkan periuk nasi sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
meagre, (US) meager | adj 1. deficient in amount or quality, tdk seberapa: he made a ~ living from his land, dia mendapat rezeki yg tdk seberapa dr tanahnya; a ~ meal of porridge, hidangan bubur yg tdk seberapa; 2. thin, kurus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honest | adj truthful, trustworthy, jujur: I’m sure he is ~, saya pasti dia jujur; an ~ worker, pekerja yg jujur; I want an ~ answer to my question, saya mahukan jawapan yg jujur kpd pertanyaan saya; be ~, (imper) berterus-teranglah: be ~, what are my chances of getting the scholarship?, berterus-teranglah, apakah peluang saya utk mendapat biasiswa itu?; ~ to /God, goodness/, (colloq) a. (exclamation of surprise) Ya Tuhan; b. (as affirmation) demi Tuhan, sumpah; to be (quite) ~, secara terus-terang: to be quite ~, I don’t think he can do the job, secara terus-terang, saya tdk fikir dia boleh membuat kerja itu; make an ~ living, mencari rezeki yg halal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |