jungle | n hutan; (very dense) rimba: animals that live in the ~, binatang-binatang yg hidup di dlm hutan; ~ warfare, peperangan hutan; law of the ~, undang-undang rimba. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ranger | n renjer: the ~ of a royal forest park, renjer taman rimba diraja; the 2nd Batallion Malaysia Rangers are currently posted to Sibu, Batalion kedua Renjer Malaysia sekarang ini ditugaskan di Sibu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stormbound | adj terkandas: the ~ travellers found shelter in a forester’s hut, pengembara-pengembara yg terkandas itu mendapat perlindungan di pondok rimba itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denizen | n 1. inhabitant, occupant, penghuni; (of region, country, etc) penduduk: ~s of the forest, penghuni rimba; 2. naturalized foreign word, kata pinjaman yg sudah sebati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
midst | n; in the ~ of, a. surrounded by so., st di tengah-tengah: a house in the ~ of a thick forest, rumah di tengah-tengah hutan rimba yg tebal; b. (fig.) di tengah-tengah: in the ~ of this commotion, the visitors a | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
patrol | 2. person or group that carries out this job, peronda, patrol: the ~s have been sent out to the harbour area, peronda-peronda telah dihantar ke kawasan pelabuhan; 3. group of boy scouts, girl guides, etc, /kumpulan, pasukan/ + approp n: three ~s from each state attended the jamboree at Templer Park, tiga pasukan Pandu Puteri dr setiap negeri menghadiri jambori di Taman Rimba Templer; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
force | ~ a smile, /menggagahi, memaksa/ diri utk senyum; ~ o’s way in, through, etc, merempuh + approp v: a group of students ~d their way into the faculty’s offices, sekumpulan penuntut merempuh masuk ke pejabat fakulti; the army unit ~d its way through the jungle, pasukan tentera itu merempuh melalui hutan rimba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
way | 2. course of action, method, cara, jalan: there seems to be no ~ of surmounting this problem, nampaknya tdk ada jalan utk mengatasi masalah ini; he suggested two ~s to fight the cholera epidemic, dia mencadangkan dua cara utk melawan wabak taun itu; we were in the middle of the jungle with a broken-down radio and had no ~ of communicating with the outside world, kami berada di tengah-tengah hutan rimba, dgn radio yg rosak dan tdk ada jalan utk menghubungi dunia luar; 3. (usu in pl), (behaviour) cara; (characteristic behaviour) perangai: you’ll soon get used to our ~s, nanti, saudara akan biasa dgn cara-cara kami; he was utterly ignorant of the ~s of polite society, dia betul-betul jahil ttg cara-cara masyarakat sopan; that chap has got some very funny ~s, orang itu pelik-pelik perangainya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |