bush | n 1. shrub, pokok [n] yg rimbun: a rose ~, pokok bunga mawar yg rimbun; 2. cluster of shrubs, belukar, semak(-semak); 3. woodland, hutan pokok bangkut; 4. (colloq) backcountry, (daerah) pedalaman, hulu: she lives out in the ~, dia tinggal di pedalaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
massed | adj 1. gathered in large numbers, bersekutu: the ~ bands of the armed forces, pancaragam bersekutu angkatan tentera; 2. (of plants) dense, rimbun: banks of ~ shrubs, pokok-pokok renek yg rimbun yg be | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
opulent | adj 1. wealthy, mewah; 2. richly fabricated, mewah; (of clothes) mahal: ~ decorations, hiasan mewah; an ~ dress, baju yg mahal; 3. luxuriant, rimbun: ~ vegetation, tumbuh-tumbuhan yg rimbun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
skulk | the blackbird hopped about on the lawn, unaware of the cat ~ing in the shrubbery, burung hitam itu melompat-lompat di laman, tanpa menyedari ada seekor kucing terhendap-hendap dlm rimbun pokok renek. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | n 1. act, instance of dropping, a. (gen) jatuh(nya); break o’s ~, menampan jatuh sso: a thick bush broke his ~, pohon yg rimbun menampan jatuhnya; have a ~, jatuh: he had a ~ from the horse, dia jatuh dr kuda itu; in the ~, /semasa, ketika/ jatuh: he was badly hurt in the ~, dia cedera teruk semasa jatuh; b. (of tree) tumbang(nya); c. (of leaves) gugur(nya), luruh(nya): the autumn ~ of leaves, daun-daun gugur dlm musim luruh; d. (of fruit) gugur(nya), jatuh(nya): the ~ of an apple from a tree, epal gugur dr pokok; e. (of tower, roof, etc) runtuh(nya), roboh(nya): a large crowd watched the ~ of the tower, orang ramai melihat menara itu runtuh; f. (of rain, snow) turun(nya): a heavy ~ of snow, salji turun lebat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exuberant | adj 1. abounding in high spirits, penuh semangat; (of person) riang dan penuh semangat: he was given an ~ welcome, dia diberi sambutan yg penuh semangat; she has always been an ~ person, dia memang orang yg riang dan penuh semangat; be in ~ spirits, riang dan penuh semangat: the students were in ~ spirits on the last day of term, penuntut-penuntut riang dan penuh semangat pd hari akhir penggal; 2. luxuriant, rimbun: plants with ~ foliage, tumbuh-tumbuhan yg rimbun daunnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rich | adj 1. wealthy, kaya: a ~ merchant, saudagar kaya; the ~ countries of the world, negara-negara kaya di dunia; 2. well supplied or endowed, kaya: a book ~ in information, buku yg kaya dgn maklumat; the soil is ~ in nitrogen, tanah itu kaya dgn nitrogen; 3. fertile, subur: the ~ valley of the Nile, lembah Nil yg subur; 4. abundant, banyak: a ~ collection of stories, satu koleksi cerita yg banyak; from his ~ fund of experience, dr pengalamannya yg banyak; 5. valuable, berharga, bernilai: ~ gifts, pemberian yg berharga; 6. luxuriant, rimbun: a ~ growth of weeds, rumpai yg tumbuh rimbun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |