sausage roll | <i>ni> rol sosej. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
roll | on the ~, dlm /senarai, daftar/; strike off the ~s, menyingkir [nama sso] dr senarai; 4. <i>rounded mass,i> a. (<i>of fleshi>) lapisan; (<i>of tobaccoi>) segulung: <i>there were ~s of fat on the baby’s thigh,i> ada lapisan lemak di paha bayi itu; b. (<i>of hair, butter, etci>) gelungan: <i>little ~s of wood shavings,i> gelungan-gelungan kecil ketaman kayu; 5. <i>small loaf of bread, roti rol: breakfast ~s,i> roti rol sarapan; 6. <i>pastry, cake, pudding, approp ni> + gulung: <i>jam ~,i> jem gulung; 7. <i>swaying, rolling, unsteady gait,i> terhuyung-hayang: <i>many sailors walk with a ~, i> | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |