rung 1 | <i>ni> 1. (<i>of ladderi>) anak tangga; 2. <i>particular level in society etc,i> peringkat: <i>he started at the bottom ~ of the ladder,i> dia mula bekerja dr peringkat paling bawah; <i>the highest ~ of the pay scale,i> peringkat tangga gaji yg tertinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
top1 | <i>adji> 1. <i>of or at the top,i> atas: <i>an office on the ~ floor of the building,i> pejabat di tingkat atas bangunan itu; <i>the ~ rung of the ladder,i> anak tangga yg atas sekali; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bottom | <i>adji> 1. <i>at the lowest level,i> bawah sekali, paling bawah, terkebawah; (<i>in comparisons of twoi>) yg (di sebelah) bawah: <i>the ~ rung,i> anak tangga yg paling bawah; <i>the ~ shelf,i> rak yg di sebelah bawah; 2. <i>with the lowest marks,i> corot: <i>he was always ~ in geography,i> dia selalu corot dlm geografi; 3. (<i>of pricei>) paling rendah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |