pocket | vt 1. put into o’s pocket, memasukkan [sst] ke dlm /saku, poket/: he ~ed his room key and left, dia memasukkan kunci biliknya ke dlm saku lalu pergi; 2. take, keep (st) dishonestly, menggelapkan: the clerk had been ~ing small sums from the petty cash, selama ini kerani itu telah menggelapkan sejumlah kecil wang tunai runcit; 3. (in billiards, snooker, etc) hit ball into pocket, berjaya memasukkan [sst] ke dlm poket + approp n: he ~ed both the balls, dia berjaya memasukkan kedua-dua bola itu ke dlm poket meja biliard; 4. conceal (feelings) menebalkan muka: he was forced to ~ his pride and ask for his old job back, dia terpaksa menebalkan mukanya lalu memohon kerja lamanya semula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pocket | n 1. small bag, pouch sewn on or into a piece of clothing, kocek, poket, saku: he stood with his hands in his trouser’s ~, dia berdiri dgn tangannya menyeluk saku seluar; 2.pouch etc on car door, suitcase, etc, poket: he keeps a cloth for cleaning the windshield in one of the ~s in the car, dia menyimpan sehelai kain utk menyapu cermin keretanya dlm salah satu poket dlm kereta itu; 3. small net bag found on billiard table, snooker table etc, poket: the billiard table is fitted with ~s to hold the balls, meja biliard itu dilengkapi poket utk menampung bola; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pocket | five hundred dollars out of ~, dia pulang ke rumah dr kasino dan mengalami kerugian sebanyak lima ratus ringgit; pick so’s ~, menyeluk saku, mencopet: the urchins made a living by picking people’s ~s, kanak-kanak itu hidup dgn menyeluk saku; put o’s hand in o’s ~, a. give money, menghulurkan wang: he put his hand in his ~ for the orphanage, dia menghulurkan wang kpd rumah anak-anak yatim; b. spend, /menghabiskan, membelanjakan/ wang sso: he always had his hand in his ~ on the trip, and must have spent hundreds, dia selalu menghabiskan wangnya dlm perjalanan itu, dan pasti telah membelanjakan beratus-ratus ringgit; put o’s pride in o’s ~, menebalkan muka: he had to put his pride in his ~ and apologise, dia terpaksa menebalkan muka lalu meminta maaf; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pickpocket | n penyeluk saku, pencopet. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breast pocket | n /kocek, saku/ di dada. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pocket calculator | n mesin kira saku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
thrust | ~ o’s hands into o’s pockets, menyeluk saku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pocketful | n 1. amount that will fit in a pocket, saku (penuh): a ~ of marbles, sesaku penuh guli; 2. (colloq) large amount (of money) banyak duit: the car cost him a ~, kereta itu menghabiskan banyak duitnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fob1 | n chain to which pocket watch is attached, rantai (jam saku). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
run | ~ after, a. chase, mengejar: the policeman ran after the pickpocket, polis memburu penyeluk saku itu; ~ after her, she’s left her umbrella behind, kejar dia, dia tertinggal payungnya; b. pursue with persistent attention, tergila-gilakan: he ~s after all the pretty girls, dia tergila-gilakan semua perempuan cantik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |