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[se.ce.pat] | سچڤت

Definisi : ; ~ kilat sangat cepat (spt kilat); ~ mungkin seberapa cepat yg dapat, selekas mungkin; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Alladj 1. the utmost, [various translations]: with ~ haste, (dgn) secepat mungkin or (dgn) secepat-cepatnya; with ~ (possible) care, dgn secermat-cermatnya or (dgn) secermat mungkin; in ~ earnestness I beg you to flee, dgn sesungguh-sungguhnya saya memohon agar tuan menyelamatkan diri; 2. (usu in negative contexts) any, whatever, segala, semua: he dislikes artificiality in ~ forms, dia tdk suka akan segala bentuk kepura-puraan; to deny ~ responsibility, menolak segala tanggungjawab; beyond ~ doubt, tdk dapat /diragu, disangsikan/ lagi; beyond ~ expectation(s) di luar segala /jangkaan, dugaan/; 3. (as intensifier), [not translated]: the greatest empire in ~ history, empayar yg terbesar dlm sejarah; the most evil regime in ~ the world, rejim yg paling jahat di dunia; adj & pron 1. the whole amount, number (of), every one (of)Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
possibleas/ much, soon, well, etc/ as ~, /sebanyak, secepat, sebaik dll/ mungkin: she came as soon as ~, dia datang secepat mungkin; /the best, the worst etc/ ~, /sebaik, seburuk dll/ mungkin: we had the best ~ education, kami mendapat pendidikan yg sebaik mungkin; the highest ~ score, pungutan mata yg sebanyak mungkin; /where, wherever, whenever/ ~, /di mana, pd bila-bila masa yg/ mungkin: she visits him at the hospital whenever ~, dia akan melawatnya di rumah sakit itu pd bila-bila masa yg mungkin; wherever ~, leave a space for notes, di mana mungkin, tinggalkan ruang utk membuat nota;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pelt 1 n ; ( at ) full ~, (dgn) secepat-cepatnya, dgn pantas: he disappeared round the corner at full ~, dia menghilang dr balik sudut itu dgn secepat-cepatnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hasten 1. speed, rapidity, kecepatan, kepantasan; with all possible ~, secepat mungkin: the job must be done with all possible ~, kerja itu mesti dilakukan secepat mungkin; 2. rashness, precipitateness, bergopoh-gapah, tergesa-gesa, terburu-buru;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lightningadj kilat: with ~ speed, dgn secepat kilat; a ~ attack, serangan kilat; a ~ visit, lawatan kilat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lightningadj kilat: with ~ speed, dgn secepat kilat; a ~ attack, serangan kilat; a ~ visit, lawatan kilat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shot 1 b. attempt to do st, memutuskan: he decided to have a ~ at the question, dia memutuskan utk membuat percubaan menjawab soalan itu; like a ~, (colloq) secepat kilat: the boy came out like a ~ with the answer, budak lelaki itu menjawab secepat kilat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
have~ st out, /mencabut, mengeluarkan/ sst: we’ll ~ the bullet out as soon as possible, kami akan mencabut peluru itu secepat mungkin; ~ it out (with so.), bersemuka (dgn sso): I’m going to ~ it out with him over this matter, saya akan bersemuka dengannya ttg perkara ini; ~ o’s sleep out, tidur secukupnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
streak ~ off, cabut lari: the boys ~ed off as fast as their legs could carry them, budak-budak itu cabut lari secepat yg terdaya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
soon as ~ as, sebaik(-baik) saja: he answered as ~ as I finished speaking, dia menjawab sebaik saja saya habis bercakap; as ~ as possible, secepat mungkin; ~er or later, lambat-laun: it’s got to be done ~er or later so we might as well do it now, lambat-laun terpaksa dibuat juga, lebih baik kita buat sekarang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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