balmy | adj 1. soothing, nyaman, menyamankan: ~ weather, cuaca yg nyaman; a ~ breeze, udara yg nyaman; 2. fragrant, harum (baunya), wangi, sedap baunya: ~ leaves, daun-daun yg harum baunya; ~ herbs, herba yg harum; 3. see BARMY. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nice | adj 1. (colloq) pleasant, agreeable, a. (visually) menarik, cantik: you look ~ today, kamu kelihatan menarik hari ini; that’s a ~ house, rumah itu cantik; b. (to taste, smell) sedap: the pudding’s ~, puding ini sedap; this flower has a ~ smell, bunga ini sedap baunya; c. (of weather, day, environment, etc) nyaman; d. (of person, person’s manners) baik: we’ve got a ~ boss, bos kami baik; it was very ~ of him to help us, baik sungguh dia menolong kami; 2. (colloq) enjoyable, menyeronokkan: a ~ party, parti yg menyeronokkan; it is ~, seronok: it’s ~ to see you again, seronok bertemu dgn saudara lagi; 3. fastidious, cerewet: he is ~ in his dress, dia cerewet ttg pakaian; 4. (fml) subtle, halus: a ~ distinction, perbezaan yg halus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pleasant | 2. (of person) likeable, baik; (of smile) mesra; (of voice) sedap: my nephews are such ~ lads, anak-anak saudara saya itu merupakan anak-anak muda yg baik; please be ~, berbuat baiklah; 3. (of weather) nyaman: ~ weather, cuaca yg nyaman; 4. (of smell) harum, wangi: a leaf with a ~ smell, daun yg harum baunya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |