best | as ~ one /can, may/, seboleh-bolehnya, sedapat-dapatnya, sedapat mungkin: she tried to patch the misunderstanding as ~ she could, dia mencuba seboleh-bolehnya utk mendamaikan perselisihan faham itu; had ~, sebaik-baiknya, seelok-eloknya: you had ~ tell your parents before you leave, sebaik-baiknya beritahulah ibu bapa sebelum pergi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | ~ as ~ back as, sejak...lagi: as ~ back as 1850..., sejak tahun 1850 lagi...; as ~ as I know, as ~ as I can tell, setahu saya; as ~ as I can see, sejauh yg saya nampak: as ~ as I can see, there is no evidence to suggest that the owner was involved, sejauh yg saya nampak, tdk ada bukti yg menunjukkan bahawa tuan punya rumah terlibat; as ~ as possible, sedapat mungkin, seberapa boleh; /carry st, go/ too ~, keterlaluan: don’t carry the joke too ~, jangan keterlaluan dgn jenakamu itu; this time, he’s gone too ~, kali ini , dia keterlaluan; from ~, dr jauh; from ~ and near, dr jauh dan dekat; go ~, a. also get ~, rise greatly in profession etc, be successful, berjaya: he is a clever boy and will go ~, dia budak yg pandai dan pasti akan berjaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
best | (all) for the ~, a. with good intentions, dgn /niat, tujuan/ baik; b. desirable in the end, rupa-rupanya mendatangkan kebaikan akhirnya; all the ~, selamat /sejahtera, maju jaya/; at ~, paling + approp adj: at ~ we can finish the project at the end of next year, paling cepat kami dapat menyelesaikan projek ini pd akhir tahun hadapan; pd /puncaknya, tahap kecemerlangannya/; at o’s ~, paling /bagus, baik/; at the ~ of times, dlm keadaan yg paling baik; do o’s (level) ~, /berusaha, mencuba/ /seboleh-bolehnya, sedapat-dapatnya/; /get, have/ the ~ of (it) mendapat /kemenangan, kejayaan/, menang: he had the ~ of the fight with his opponent, dia mendapat kemenangan dlm pertarungan dgn lawannya; the Trade Union was having the ~ of it in the dispute, Kesatuan Sekerja mendapat kemenangan dlm pertikaian itu; make the ~ of, /mengambil manfaat dr, memanfaatkan/ [sst] dgn sebaik-baiknya: to make the ~ of o’s opportunities, mengambil manfaat dr kesempatan yg ada dgn sebaik-baiknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ability | n 1. Power to do st a. (mental, physical) kebolehan, kemampuan, keupayaan: his ~ to solve the problem, kebolehannya menyelesaikan masalah itu; the armed forces have the ~ to defend the nation, angkatan bersenjata mempunyai kebolehan utk mempertahankan negara; mental ~, kemampuan mental; b. (financial) kemampuan, keupayaan; c. (legal) hak; 2. (usu in pl) mental power, talent, kebolehan, kemampuan: a man of many abilities, seorang yg banyak kebolehannya; have the ~ to (do st), see ABLE (be able to); to the best of o’s ~, sedaya upaya, dgn segala daya upaya, sedapat-dapatnya, seboleh-bolehnya, seberapa boleh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
way | in /some, many/ ~s, dlm /beberapa, banyak/ segi: she is rather stubborn in some ~s, dia agak degil dlm beberapa segi; in many ~s you are fortunate, dlm banyak segi, kamu beruntung; in the ~ of, berhubung dgn: the children were given everything in the ~ of material things, kanak-kanak itu diberi segala-galanya berhubung dgn hal-hal kebendaan; in the ~ that, drpd cara sso: her disappointment could be seen in the ~ that she hung her head, dr cara dia melentokkan kepalanya, jelas menunjukkan dia kecewa; in the same ~, begitu juga: she has not been fair to others. In the same ~, she can’t expect others to be fair to her, dia tdk berlaku adil kpd orang lain. Begitu juga dia tdk boleh mengharapkan orang lain berlaku adil terhadapnya; keep out of so’s ~, menjauhkan diri dr sso: as far as possible I try to keep out of her ~, sedapat mungkin, saya mencuba menjauhkan diri darinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |