around | all ~, di /sekeliling, sekitar/ + approp n, pron: all ~ are signs of decay, di sekelilingnya kelihatan tanda-tanda kereputan; from all ~, di sekeliling: from all ~ we heard the sound of gunshots, di sekeliling kedengaran letupan senapang; from miles ~, dr /merata-rata tempat, jauh dan dekat/; have been ~, (colloq) a. have had much worldly experience, telah banyak makan garam, banyak pengalaman: you should listen to his advice; he’s been ~, kamu patut mendengar nasihatnya; dia telah banyak makan garam; b. have been alive, hidup: when you’ve been ~ as long as I have..., kalau kamu telah hidup lama spt saya...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ambient | adj sekeliling, ambien, sekitar: ~ temperature, suhu sekeliling. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rove | ~ (a)round, memandang-mandang sekeliling: his eyes ~d round the countryside, matanya memandang-mandang sekeliling desa itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
side | /on, from/ every ~, a. all around, di sekeliling: the land on every side of us was marshy, tanah di sekeliling kami berpaya; b. from all directions, dr setiap sudut: his theories were attacked on every ~, teorinya dikecam dr setiap sudut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
about | prep 1. round, around, a. encircling, (di) sekitar, (di) sekeliling: the hills ~ the town, bukit-bukit di sekitar bandar itu; b. near, dekat, berhampiran dgn, (di) sekeliling: the streets ~ the palace, jalan-jalan dekat istana itu; c. here and there in, di sana sini di: his papers were scattered ~ the room, kertas-kertasnya bertaburan di sana sini di bilik itu; 2. on (o’s person), connected with, pada: I didn’t happen to have his letter ~ me at the time, kebetulan suratnya tdk ada pada saya waktu itu; there’s something ~ that house that unnerves me, ada sesuatu pada rumah itu yg membuat saya gelisah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
orient | vt (fml) 1. adjust (os) according to o’s surrounding, menyesuaikan [diri sso] dgn keadaan sekeliling: the new students must ~ themselves, pelajar-pelajar baru itu mesti menyesuaikan diri mereka dgn keadaan sekeliling; 2. (only pass.) act, operate with a particular aim etc in mind, diorientasikan: the education system then was ~ed towards examinations, sistem pendidikan pd masa itu diorientasikan ke arah peperiksaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
surrounding | adj sekeliling, sekitar: they would go for long walks in the ~ countryside, mereka pergi berjalan-jalan jauh-jauh di sekitar desa itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vicinity | n neighbourhood, kawasan /sekitar, sekeliling/: there are no other houses in the ~, tdk ada rumah lain di kawasan sekitar; in the ~ of, about, kira-kira, sekitar: he lost in the ~ of $100, dia kehilangan wang kira-kira $100. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
round | 4. near to, di /sekitar, sekeliling/: the streets ~ the castle, jalan-jalan di sekitar istana kota itu; the houses ~ here were built before the war, rumah-rumah di sekitar tempat ini dibina sebelum perang; 5. also ~ about, approximately, sekitar, kira-kira: ~ about 100 people are expected to attend, sekitar 100 orang dijangka hadir; I’ll arrive ~ about 7.30, saya akan tiba sekitar pukul 7.30; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cheerless | adj suram, muram: ~ surroundings, keadaan sekeliling yg suram. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |