ally | n one united to another for common purposes, a. (of country) sekutu: France was an ~ of Britain during World War II, Perancis adalah sekutu Britain semasa Perang Dunia Ke-II; b. (of person) sekutu, bersekutu: the two men were allies in the Union dispute, kedua-dua lelaki itu bersekutu dlm pertikaian Kesatuan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faithless | adj 1. unfaithful, tdk setia, curang: a ~ husband, suami yg tdk setia; 2. not true to allegiance, tdk setia: a ~ and fickle public, orang ramai yg tdk setia dan mudah mengubah fikiran; 3. untrustworthy, tdk boleh dipercayai: ~ allies, sekutu-sekutu yg tdk boleh dipercayai; 4. without religious faith, tanpa agama: ~ age, zaman tanpa agama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
associate | n 1. partner, colleague (in business etc) rakan, sekutu: a business ~, rakan perniagaan; 2. companion, kawan, rakan, teman; 3. st that accompanies another, (sst yg) datang beriring: hope is an ~ to happiness, harapan datang beriring dgn kebahagiaan; 4. subordinate member (of institute, society, etc) ahli sekutu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
partner | ~s in crime, sekutu kegiatan jenayah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
triple | adj 1. consisting of three parts, tiga + approp n: they were allies in a ~ business venture, mereka ialah tiga sekutu dlm usaha niaga itu; her ~ role of wife, mother and secretary, tiga peranannya iaitu sbg isteri, ibu dan setiausaha; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pique | vt 1. offend, menyinggung; (pass.) tersinggung: the attitude of the British ~d their allies, sikap Inggeris menyinggung sekutu-sekutunya; she was ~d by their lack of consideration and courtesy, dia tersinggung oleh sikap mereka yg tdk bertimbang rasa dan tdk sopan itu; 2. arouse, membangkitkan: their whisperings ~d her curiosity, perbuatan mereka berbisik-bisik itu membangkitkan rasa ingin tahunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cohort | n 1. (statistics) kohort; 2. (in ancient Roman Legion) kohort; 3. (esp US) associate, sekutu; (derog) konco. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prisoner | n 1. convict, banduan: ~s are given educational facilities while serving a prison term, banduan diberi kemudahan belajar semasa menjalani hukuman penjara; 2. also prisoner of war tawanan perang: Allied ~s built the bridge on the River Kwai, tawanan perang Tentera Sekutu membina jambatan di Sungai Kwai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
look | ~ to, a. take care of, menjaga: we have to ~ to our environment for the sake of future generations, kita harus menjaga alam sekitar kita demi generasi yg akan datang; b. rely on, expect, mengharapkan: we ~ to our friends and allies for help, kami mengharapkan bantuan rakan dan sekutu kami; ~ to the future, memikirkan masa hadapan: you must ~ to the future rather than dwelling on the past, lebih baik kamu memikirkan masa hadapan drpd mengenangkan masa lampau; ~ to it that, pastikan sst: you’d better ~ to it that your work is finished by tomorrow, pastikan kerja kamu siap esok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |