comfortable | adj 1. giving physical comfort, selesa; (of income) lumayan: the chair looks ~, kerusi ini nampak selesa; a ~ dress, baju yg selesa; a ~ hotel, hotel yg selesa; 2. at ease, selesa: he doesn’t feel ~ in her company, dia berasa tdk selesa apabila bersama gadis itu; I am ~ in these new shoes, saya selesa memakai kasut baru ini; 3. not feeling much pain, hardship, grief, etc, berasa senang; (of so. who is ill) dlm keadaan baik: I will only be ~ once I know they are safe, saya hanya akan berasa senang apabila saya tahu mereka selamat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discomfort | n 1. uncomfortable feeling in part of body, rasa tdk selesa, ketidakselesaan; cause so. ~, menyebabkan sso berasa tdk selesa: her injured knee caused her great ~, lututnya yg cedera menyebabkan dia berasa sungguh tdk selesa; in ~, (berasa) tdk selesa; 2. st that causes unease, perkara yg tdk menyelesakan: the ~s of living in undeveloped areas, perkara-perkara yg tdk menyelesakan hidup di kawasan mundur; 3. (mental unease) rasa kurang senang; (embarrassment) rasa malu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uncomfortable | adj 1. feeling discomfort, ill-at-ease, tdk selesa: I was ~ in the crowded room, saya berasa tdk selesa di bilik yg penuh sesak itu; his stare made me very ~, renungannya membuat saya tdk selesa; I felt ~ at the party, saya berasa tdk selesa di majlis itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cosy | adj 1. snug, comfortable, nyaman dan selesa: a ~ little room, bilik kecil yg nyaman dan selesa: I felt ~ under the thick blanket, saya berasa nyaman dan selesa berselimutkan gebar tebal; 2. warm, friendly, mesra: we had a ~ chat on the verandah, kami berbual mesra di berandah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uncomfortable | 2. not giving comfort, tdk selesa: the coat was tight and ~ to wear, kot itu ketat dan tdk selesa dipakai; the bed was very ~, and he could not sleep, katil itu tdk selesa dan dia tdk dapat tidur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ensconce | vt; ~ os, ( fml or jocular) a. settle os firmly or comfortably, duduk selesa: he ~d himself in an armchair by the window, dia duduk selesa di kerusi tangan di tepi jendela; b. establish os (in a comfortable house etc) tinggal dgn selesa: we were ~d in a spacious bungalow by the sea, kami tinggal dgn selesa di sebuah banglo di tepi laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feel | ~ free, a. feel comfortable, berasa selesa: he felt a lot freer after he took his jacket off, dia berasa lebih selesa selepas menanggalkan jaketnya; b. feel lack of control, limitation, berasa bebas: after she left the boarding school, she felt free, selepas meninggalkan sekolah berasrama, dia berasa bebas; c. (imper) jangan /segan-segan, malu-malu/: ~ free to help yourself from the fridge, jangan malu-malu utk mengambil apa saja dr peti ais; ~ like, (colloq) rasa nak: she felt like slapping his face, dia rasa nak tampar muka lelaki itu; ~ o’s way, a. berjalan meraba-raba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
snugly | adv 1. warmly and comfortably, dgn selesa: she was curled up ~ on the couch by the fire, dia mengerekot dgn selesa di kerusi panjang di hadapan perapian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tuck | ~ so. in, meletakkan dan menyelimutkan sso dgn selesa di atas katil: the children fell asleep soon after I ~ed them in, budak-budak itu tidur sebaik saja saya meletakkan dan menyelimutkan mereka dgn selesa di atas katil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
snug | adj 1. cosy, selesa: with the fire burning and the blanket wrapped around them, they felt warm and ~, dgn api menyala di pendiangan dan diselimuti gebar, mereka berasa panas dan selesa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |