Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ser.ling] | سرليڠ

Definisi : lubang (sbg jerat) utk menangkap binatang, pelubang; terserling terjatuh ke dlm serling. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

trapn 1. device for catching animals, perangkap; (noose, snare) jerat; (cage, for birds) jebak; (pit, for big game) serling; (sprung, for big game or humans) belantik; (portable, for fish, crabs, etc) bubu; (larger) lukah; (fixed, in river or estuary) belat; (in open sea) kelong: the hunter set his ~ near the river, pemburu itu memasang perangkapnya dekat sungai; the villagers dug a ~ for the wild boar, penduduk kampung itu menggali serling utk menangkap babi hutan; there were several lobsters in the ~, ada beberapa ekor udang kara dlm lukah itu; the ~s are designed to catch fish as they swim towards land with the rising tide, kelong direka utk menangkap ikan yg menuju ke darat mengikut air pasang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pitfalln 1. concealed danger or difficulty, kesulitan yg tdk diduga: the English language is full of ~s for foreign learners, bahasa Inggeris penuh dgn kesulitan-kesulitan yg tdk diduga bagi pelajar-pelajar asing; 2. concealed pit used as a trap, lubang, perlubangan, serling.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pit 1n 1. any hole in the ground, lubang: the rubbish was dumped in the ~ and burnt, sampah sarap dibuang ke dlm lubang lalu dibakar; 2. a. coal mine, /lombong tampang/ arang batu: his whole life has been spent in the ~s, seluruh hidupnya dihabiskan dgn bekerja di lombong arang batu; b. shaft, lubang, syaf: several deep ~s have been dug to extract the minerals, beberapa buah lubang telah digali utk mengeluarkan galian; gravel ~, lubang kerikil; 3. covered hole as trap for wild animal, lubang, perlubangan, serling: they dug a deep ~ and covered it with vines, mereka menggali lubang yg dalam dan menutupnya dgn vain;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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