debris | n rubble, wreckage, a. (of aircraft, car, etc) serpihan(-serpihan): ~ from a wrecked plane, serpihan-serpihan dr kapal terbang yg hancur itu; b. (of building) reruntuhan puing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fragment | n 1. piece broken off, serpihan, pecahan: ~s of rock, serpihan-serpihan batu; the plate lay in ~s on the floor, serpihan-serpihan pinggan itu bertaburan di lantai; 2. incomplete part, cebisan; (of literary work) cebisan, fragmen: I overheard ~s of their conversation, saya terdengar cebisan-cebisan perbualan mereka; ~s of a novel, cebisan-cebisan novel; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
agglomerated | adj teraglomerat: the ~ rock fragments, serpihan-serpihan batu yg teraglomerat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wreckage | n 1. bangkai: bits of ~ were washed up on the shore, serpihan-serpihan bangkai itu hanyut hingga ke pantai; the ~ of a crashed plane, bangkai kapal terbang yg terhempas; 2. (fig.) sisa-sisa kehancuran: he is trying to save something from the ~ of his marriage, dia mencuba menyelamatkan sesuatu drpd sisa-sisa kehancuran rumah tangganya; I do not want to witness the ~ of the party, saya tdk mahu menyaksikan sisa-sisa kehancuran parti itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
smashed | adj 1. shattered, pecah berkecai: pieces of the ~ windscreen, serpihan-serpihan cermin depan kereta yg pecah berkecai; 2. (sl) drunk, mabuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rain | ~ down, jatuh spt hujan; (of water) turun mencurah-curah: pieces of broken glass ~ed down after the explosion, serpihan-serpihan kaca jatuh spt hujan selepas letupan itu; water ~ed down from the roofs, air turun mencurah-curah dr bumbung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sweep | 2. remove (st) as with broom, brush, menyapu: she carefully swept the broken glass into the dustpan, dgn hati-hati dia menyapu serpihan-serpihan kaca itu ke dlm tadahan sampah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
splinter | n 1. sharp sliver of wood, glass, etc broken from a larger piece, serpih(an): ~s of glass lay scattered on the floor, serpihan-serpihan kaca bertaburan di lantai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flake | n 1. small thin piece, emping: soap ~s, emping sabun; ~s of snow, emping salji; chocolate ~, emping coklat; 2. piece chipped off, serpihan: ~s of rust falling from the iron pump, serpihan-serpihan karat yg jatuh dr pam besi; a ~ of rock, serpihan batu; ~s of paint, serpihan cat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sliver | n 1. a thin piece cut or torn off, a. (of glass, soap, etc) serpih(an): he was cut by a ~ of glass from the broken window, dia luka kena serpihan kaca dr tingkap yg pecah itu; ~s of soap, serpihan-serpihan sabun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |