somebody | n 1. someone, seseorang; (ref to person already mentioned) seorang: there’s ~ outside, ada seseorang di luar; there must be ~ manning the telephone at all times, perlu ada seseorang menjaga telefon pd setiap masa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
one’s | pron (indic that st belongs to one or relates to people in general) seseorang, -nya: it is not unusual for one to want ~ work recognized, tdk menjadi sst yg ganjil jika seseorang mahukan hasil kerjanya diiktiraf; when one is in ~ own country, apabila seseorang berada di negaranya sendiri; when one drives ~ own car, one tends to be less careful, apabila seseorang memandu keretanya sendiri; one can’t compare ~ taste in clothes with another’s, seseorang tdk dapat membandingkan cita rasanya ttg pakaian dgn cita rasa orang lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
try-on | n (colloq) attempt at deceit, cuba mengenakan seseorang: this letter is a ~, surat ini cuba mengenakan seseorang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
one | 3. a. (used to refer to people in general, including speaker or writer) seseorang, kita, [not translated]: ~ must not allow oneself to be coerced into doing things ~ does not want to do, seseorang tdk seharusnya membiarkan diri dipaksa melakukan perkara yg tdk mahu dilakukannya; ~ should know one’s friends and foes, kita sepatutnya tahu siapa kawan, siapa lawan; ~ must be careful when crossing this road, harus hati-hati apabila menyeberangi jalan ini; ~ has to admit that the stories are amusing, harus diakui bahawa cerita-cerita itu lucu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
oneself | one can’t really enjoy ~ when one has too many problems to think about, seseorang or kita tdk boleh berseronok kalau terlalu banyak masalah yg harus difikirkan; [when the pron is not the obj of a vt or prep in Malay, the forms (dia, -nya) sendiri and (kita) sendiri are used]: when one finally manages to wash ~ and dress ~, one feels that recovery is near, apabila akhirnya seseorang berjaya mandi sendiri dan mengenakan pakaian(nya) sendiri, seseorang berasa sudah hampir sembuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
some | determiner 1. also ~ ... or (an) other, particular but unknown, a. ( of person) seseorang, orang: ~ idiot left the door wide open, ada seseorang yg bodoh yg telah membiarkan pintu itu terbuka luas; b. (of st tangible) se- + approp classifier: he was found unconscious in ~ back lane, dia dijumpai dlm keadaan tdk sedar di sebuah lorong belakang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
such | some ~ /thing, person, word, etc/, /sesuatu, seseorang, sesuatu kata dll/ seperti itu: he shouted “Damn it” or “Blast it” or some ~ curse, dia berteriak “Celaka” atau “Haram jadah” atau sesuatu makian seperti itu; I spoke to a professor or lecturer or some ~ person, saya berjumpa dgn seorang profesor atau pensyarah atau seseorang seperti itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
equilibrium | n keseimbangan: the ear infection had affected his ~, sakit telinga itu telah memberi kesan pd keseimbangannya; one must not allow the changes around one to disturb one’s inner ~, seseorang seharusnya tdk membenarkan perubahan-perubahan persekitaran mengganggu keseimbangan jiwa seseorang; the government is trying to maintain some sort of ~ in the community, kerajaan sedang mencuba mengekalkan keseimbangan dlm mesyarakat itu; in ~, (dlm keadaan) seimbang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shower | to ~ someone with presents, menghujani seseorang dgn hadiah; her parents ~ed her with love and affection, ibu bapa kanak-kanak itu mencurahinya dgn rasa cinta dan kasih sayang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
position | someone in a senior ~ must have given the information, seseorang yg dlm kedudukan tinggi mesti telah memberikan maklumat itu; his ~ in class has improved this year, kedudukannya dlm kelas bertambah baik tahun ini; b. high rank or status, kedudukan tinggi: she’s not overly impressed by wealth and ~, dia tdk terlalu kagum oleh kekayaan dan kedudukan tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |