voluntary | 3. done without payment, sukarela: three days a week she did ~ work at the hospital, tiga hari seminggu, dia membuat kerja sukarela di hospital itu; on a ~ basis, secara sukarela: they did it on a ~ basis, mereka melakukannya secara sukarela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
voluntary | adj 1. (of person) acting without compulsion, sukarela: he is a ~ member of the committee, dia anggota sukarela dlm jawatankuasa itu; she became a ~ patient of the psychiatric unit, dia minta dirawat di unit psikiatri secara sukarela; 2. done willingly, without compulsion, (approp v) dgn sukarela: they made a ~ donation to the hospital, mereka memberikan derma kpd hospital itu dgn sukarela; I suspect that it was not a ~ confession, saya syak itu bukan satu pengakuan yg dibuat dgn sukarela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
voluntary | 4. supported by people who give their money, services, etc freely, sukarela: a ~ organization, organisasi sukarela; 5. under the control of the will, voluntari: ~ muscles, otot voluntari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spontaneous | 3. unforced, entirely voluntarily, sukarela: we hadn’t asked him for money, his gift was completely ~, kami tdk meminta wang daripadanya. Pemberiannya itu betul-betul sukarela. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
volunteer | vi bersukarela + approp v, approp v [sst] + /dgn, secara/ sukarela: many people ~ed for the army in the first month of the war, ramai orang yg masuk tentera secara sukarela dlm bulan pertama peperangan itu; the chairman asked for assistance but no one ~ed, pengerusi itu meminta bantuan tetapi tdk ada seorang pun yg bersukarela membantu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
volunteer | adj (of work) sukarela; (of army) sukarelawan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laity | n 1. people outside the clergy involved in church work, pekerja sukarela gereja; 2. people outside a particular profession, orang biasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laity | n 1. people outside the clergy involved in church work, pekerja sukarela gereja; 2. people outside a particular profession, orang biasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
involve | he ~d himself in all kinds of voluntary work, dia melibatkan diri dlm pelbagai kerja sukarela; this affair ~s his honour, hal ini melibatkan kehormatannya; he ~d two of his friends in the conspiracy, dia membabitkan dua orang kawannya dlm persubahatan itu; what does the course ~?, apakah perkara-perkara yg terlibat dlm kursus itu?; accepting the job would ~ his moving to the city, dgn menerima kerja itu, ini bermakna dia terpaksa berpindah ke bandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fervour, (US) fervor | n keghairahan: the ~ shown by some voluntary organizations, keghairahan yg ditunjukkan oleh sesetengah pertubuhan sukarela; with ~, dgn penuh /semangat, perasaan/: he preached with great ~, dia berkhutbah dgn penuh semangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |