shy 1 | vi menjadi takut-takut: the horse shied every time a car passed, kuda itu menjadi takut-takut setiap kali kereta lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shy 1 | 3. (of animal) easily frightened, timid, takut-takut: a ~ little fish that disappeared like a flash at the slightest movement, ikan kecil yg takut-takut menghilang secepat kilat apabila ada sedikit sahaja gerakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slink | vi 1. usu ~ /away, back, out, etc /, move quietly, a. (out of fear) approp v + dgn takut-takut: he yelled at the dog who slunk away to a corner of the room, dia menjerit kpd anjing itu lalu anjing tersebut pergi dgn takut-takut ke sudut bilik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fearful | adj 1. causing fear, menakutkan: a ~ storm, ribut yg menakutkan; 2. be afraid, takut: ~ of spiders, takut akan labah-labah; 3. timid, takut-takut: a ~ glance, pandangan yg takut-takut; 4. (colloq) awful, teruk: he’s got a ~ cold, dia mendapat selesema yg teruk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
suppliant | adj (fml) merendah diri: the timid and ~ attitude of the woman touched his heart, sikap wanita yg takut-takut dan merendah diri itu meruntun hatinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brink | n tepi, pinggir: he dragged her away from the ~ of the cliff, dia mengheret gadis itu jauh dr tepi cenuram tersebut; the ~ of a pond, tepi kolam; be on the ~ of st, hampir-hampir [+ approp v]: the two countries were on the ~ of war, kedua-dua negara itu hampir-hampir berperang; he is on the ~ of a new discovery, dia hampir-hampir mendapat penemuan baru; his foolishness took him to the ~ of disaster, kebodohannya menyebabkan dia hampir-hampir terjerumus ke jurang kemusnahan; be on the ~ of the grave, (berada) di ambang maut; shiver on the ~, takut-takut berani, teragak-agak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
afraid | adj 1. frightened, takut: don’t be ~, jangan takut; 2. apprehensive, khuatir, bimbang, takut: she is ~ that she said the wrong thing, dia khuatir dia tersalah cakap; I’m ~ for his health, saya khuatir akan kesihatannya; 3. disinclined, averse, takut: don’t be ~ to ask for help, jangan takut meminta tolong; 4. filled with regret, concern, khuatir, [sometimes not translated]: you will miss the bus, I’m ~, saya khuatir kamu akan ketinggalan bas; I’m ~ he is not in, dia tdk ada di rumah; I’m ~g must go now, saya mesti pergi sekarang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frightened | adj takut, ketakutan: he rescued the ~ child from the pond, dia menyelamatkan budak yg ketakutan itu dr kolam tersebut; be ~ of st, takut akan sst: she is ~ of lightning, dia takut akan kilat; be ~ of doing st, takut + approp v: he’s ~ of losing his job, dia takut kehilangan kerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fearless | adj tdk /mengenal takut, gentar/, berani: a ~ warrior, pahlawan yg tdk mengenal takut; ~ of st, tdk/ takut, gentar/ akan sst. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scared | adj takut: he is ~ that he might fail, dia takut dia akan gagal; the old woman was too ~ to cross the road, perempuan tua itu sangat takut utk melintas jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |