drag | ~ up, (colloq) rake up, mengungkit: it’s no use ~ging up old quarrels, tak guna mengungkit perkelahian yg telah lalu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dozen | n 1. group of twelve, dozen: a ~ handkerchiefs, satu dozen sapu tangan; 2. a large number, banyak: I’ve passed this road a ~ times but I didn’t notice the signboard, saya telah lalu di jalan ini banyak kali tetapi saya tdk perasan papan tanda itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
minute1 | 3. (in pl) record of meeting, minit mesyuarat: the ~s of the meeting were read and confirmed, minit mesyuarat yg lalu telah dibaca dan disahkan; 4. distance that can be travelled in a minute, jauhnya: the stati | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
traffic | n 1. movement of vehicles, aircraft, people, etc along routes, lalu lintas: the road is now open to ~, jalan itu sekarang sudah dibuka kpd lalu lintas; there is heavy air ~ between the two cities, lalu lintas udara sibuk di antara dua bandar raya itu; passenger ~ has increased in recent years, lalu lintas penumpang telah meningkat dlm tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
run-through | n 1. review, melihat kembali sepintas lalu: let’s have a ~ of the topics we covered, mari kita lihat kembali sepintas lalu tajuk-tajuk yg telah kita bincangkan; 2. rehearsal, practice, latihan: he made a quick ~ of his speech before the audience arrived, dia membuat latihan ucapannya dgn cepat sebelum penonton sampai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
past | dia menyebut sesuatu kpd saya semasa bergegas lalu tetapi saya tdk dapat mengingatinya; go ~, (of time) berlalu; (of person, vehicle) lalu: many years have gone ~, bertahun-tahun telah berlalu; we sat in the restaurant watching all the people go ~, kami duduk di restoran melihat orang lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ across, a. cross, melintas; (body of water) menyeberang: the traffic has all passed, can I ~ across now?, semua lalu lintas telah berlalu, bolehkah saya melintas sekarang?; b. be understood, difahami: did her message ~ across?, adakah apa yg hendak disampaikannya difahami?; c. find, meet by chance, terjumpa: I came across the document while looking for my birth certificate, saya terjumpa dokumen itu semasa mencari surat beranak saya; we came across the boys stealing mangosteens in the orchard, kami terjumpa budak-budak itu sedang mencuri manggis di dusun; d. arise in (so’s mind) terlintas: it didn’t ~ across my mind at all, perkara itu sama sekali tdk terlintas di kepala saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
whatever | adj 1. any, apa sa(ha)ja: ~ help she had given in the past was all forgotten, apa saja pertolongan yg diberikannya pd masa lalu, semuanya telah dilupakan; she accepted ~ post was offered to her, dia menerima apa saja jawatan yg ditawarkan kepadanya; 2. (placed after a noun in a negative context, giving emphasis to the negative) apa pun: there’s no doubt ~ about it, tdk ada apa pun keraguan tentangnya; 3. no matter what, walau apa /sa(ha)ja, pun/: ~ the reason, he expected it to be done in time, walau apa saja alasannya, dia menjangka kerja itu mesti siap tepat pd masanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
past | adj 1. completed, over, berlalu: now that the danger was ~, kini bahaya telah berlalu; what is ~ is ~, yg berlalu tetap berlalu; the days of sailing ships are long ~, zaman kapal layar telah lama berlalu; 2.<.b> (of time) a. (happening, existing a long time ago) lalu, lampau: accumulated knowledge of ~ centuries, ilmu pengetahuan yg terkumpul ttg abad-abad yg lampau; b. (just gone by) lalu: for the ~ few weeks, I’ve been going to see her every Friday, beberapa minggu yg lalu saya telah melawatnya setiap hari Jumaat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tow | give so. a ~, /menarik, menunda/ + approp n sso: a passing car gave him a ~ to the garage, sebuah kereta yg lalu di situ telah menarik keretanya ke bengkel; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |