versus | prep 1. in contrast with, antara... dengan...: the problems of free translation ~ literal translation, masalah-masalah antara terjemahan bebas dengan terjemahan harfiah; to debate the merits of wool ~ synthetic fibres, memperdebatkan kebaikan-kebaikan antara benang bulu dengan serat sintetik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
translation | in ~, (dlm bentuk) terjemahan: I read the Quran in ~, saya membaca terjemahan Al-Quran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
translation | 2. a rendering, terjemahan: a ~ of the poem into Malay, terjemahan sajak itu dlm bahasa Melayu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rendering | n 1. performance, persembahan: her ~ of the song was loudly applauded, persembahan lagunya mendapat tepukan gemuruh; 2. translation, terjemahan: a ~ of the poem into English, terjemahan puisi itu ke dlm bahasa Inggeris; 3. coat of plaster, lepa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unseen | n terjemahan tanpa persediaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
loan-translation | n terjemahan pinjaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
free | 6. not literal, bebas: a ~ translation, terjemahan bebas; 7. unconstrained, bebas: he is somewhat ~ in his conversation, dia agak bebas dlm perbualannya; 8. lavish, profuse, mudah + approp v: he is very ~ with his advice, dia mudah memberikan nasihat; she is very ~ with money, dia mudah mengeluarkan wang; a ~ spender, (orang yg) /boros, kuat berbelanja/, pemboros; 9. costing nothing, percuma: a ~ ticket for the show, tiket percuma utk pertunjukan itu; ~ admission, masuk percuma; nothing in this world is ~, tdk ada yg percuma di dunia ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
close | 6. faithful, not deviating, tepat: a ~ translation, terjemahan yg tepat; ~ resemblance, hampir-hampir serupa; 7. (of contest) sama kuat saingannya; 8. oppressive, pengap, sesak: the air in this room is ~, udara dlm bilik ini pengap; 9. secretive, secara /sulit, diam-diam/: ~ business dealings with the syndicate, urusan perniagaan secara sulit dgn sindiket; 10. (ling) tertutup: ~ vowel, vokal tertutup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
literal | adj 1. word for word, harfiah: a ~ translation, terjemahan harfiah; 2. not figurative or metaphorical, literal, sebenar: the ~ meaning of a word, makna literal sst perkataan; 3. not imaginative, lurus; (in interpretation of music etc) menunjukkan sso tdk menghayati sst: he has a rather ~ mind, dia orang yg berfikiran lurus; her rendering of the music is rather ~, cara dia memainkan muzik itu menunjukkan dia tdk menghayati sst; 4. consisting of, indicated by letters, huruf: to give ~ grades, not numerical ones, memberikan gred huruf bukan gred angka; 5. accurate, genuine, benar: it is a ~ fact that egalitarianism is difficult to achieve, adalah satu kenyataan yg benar bahawa egalitarianisme sukar dicapai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unseen | adj 1. done without previous preparation, tanpa persediaan: an ~ translation, terjemahan tanpa persediaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |