visibly | adv ternyata, jelas: the patient’s condition has ~ improved, keadaan pesakit itu ternyata bertambah baik; he was ~ satisfied with the result, dia ternyata berpuas hati dgn keputusan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
turn | ~ out, a. prove to be, ternyata: the book ~ed out to be a best-seller, buku itu ternyata laris; his son ~ed out to be successful after all, anaknya ternyata berjaya; Clive was afraid that he’d got AIDS, but it ~ed out that he’d merely caught a cold, Clive takut kalau-kalau terkena AIDS, tetapi ternyata dia hanya mendapat selesema; b. develop, menjadi: the weather ~ed out fine again, cuaca menjadi cerah semula; everything has ~ed out well for her, semuanya menjadi baik baginya; c. come out, gather (for) meeting, election, etc, datang: voters ~ed out in large numbers for the election, pengundi datang beramai-ramai utk mengundi dlm pilihan raya itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prove | vi 1. (of so. or st) turn out to be, terbukti, ternyata: all his predictions ~d correct, semua ramalannya terbukti benar; the operation ~d useless and the patient died, pembedahan itu ternyata tdk berhasil dan pesakit itu meninggal dunia; the new man ~d to be unequal to the task, orang baru itu terbukti tdk mampu menjalankan tugas tersebut; 2. (of dough) rise, mengembang, naik: she left the bread dough in a warm place to ~, dia meletakkan adunan roti itu di tempat yg panas supaya adunan tersebut mengembang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
patently | adv ketara, jelas, ternyata: a statement that is ~ untrue , kenyataan yg ketara tdk benar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unrehearsed | adj not practised or prepared, approp v + tanpa latihan: the speech was obviously ~, ucapan itu ternyata disampaikan tanpa latihan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vaguely | adv 1. not clearly, dgn /kabur, tdk jelas/: she answered ~, her thoughts obviously far away, dia menjawab dgn kabur, fikirannya ternyata melayang jauh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fraudulent | adj 1. not genuine, palsu: a ~ claim for damages, tuntutan ganti rugi yg palsu; his promises turned out to be ~, janji-janjinya ternyata palsu; 2. involving deceit, melibatkan penipuan: ~ elections, pilihan raya yg melibatkan penipuan; by ~ means, dgn /cara menipu, penipuan/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tell-tale | adj ketara, nyata: a ~ blush rose to her cheeks, ketara pipinya naik merah padam; the ~ bloodstains on his shirt gave the murderer away, kesan darah pd bajunya ternyata menunjukkan bahawa dialah pembunuhnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mare’s nest | n discovery found to be worthless, penemuan yg mengecewakan: at last the statue was found, but it turned out to be a mere ~, akhirnya patung itu dijumpai, tetapi ternyata cuma satu penemuan yg mengecewakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tough | ~ customer, orang yg menyusahkan: we thought we could clinch the deal that day, but he proved to be a ~ customer, kami fikir kami boleh menyelesaikan urusan itu hari itu juga, tetapi ternyata dia seorang yg menyusahkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |