grin | vi tersenyum lebar, tersengih, terseringai: the child was ~ning with delight, kanak-kanak itu tersengih kesukaan; she ~ned at his stupid remarks, dia tersengih mendengar kata-katanya yg tdk munasabah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
simpering | adj tersengih-sengih: a ~ woman asked for his autograph, seorang wanita yg tersengih-sengih memintanya menandatangani autograf; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
simper | vt mengucapkan [sst] sambil tersengih: she ~ed her thanks, dia mengucapkan terima kasih sambil tersengih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
simper | vi tersengih: the little girl just ~ed when she was spoken to, kanak-kanak perempuan itu hanya tersengih sahaja apabila orang bercakap dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grin | n broad smile, senyum(an) lebar, sengihan, seringai: she stood there, with a ~ on her face, dia berdiri di situ dgn senyum lebar; break into a ~, tersenyum lebar, tersengih, terseringai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grin | ~ and bear it, (colloq), /terima, tahan/ saja(lah): it’s no use complaining. You’ll just have to ~ and bear it, tak guna merungut. Tahan sajalah; ~ from ear to ear, tersenyum sampai ke telinga, tersenyum lebar, terseringai, tersengih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wide | adj 1. not narrow, broad, lebar: how ~ is the material?, berapa lebar kain itu?; a ~ river, sungai yg lebar; a tall man with ~ shoulders, seorang lelaki tinggi yg lebar bahunya; she gave me a ~ grin, dia tersengih lebar kpd saya; 2. having a specified extent from side to side, lebar: the table is 6 feet long and 3 feet ~, meja itu 6 kaki panjang dan 3 kaki lebar; 3. covering a large space, luas terbentang: the ~ plains of the Western United States, dataran yg luas terbentang di Barat Amerika Syarikat; the ~ seas, lautan yg luas terbentang; 4. (of eyes) fully open, terbeliak: the child gazed with ~ eyes at the magician, budak itu merenung ahli silap mata tersebut dgn mata terbeliak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wicked | adj 1. evil, a. (of so.) jahat, zalim: a ~ stepmother, ibu tiri yg jahat; b. (of st) kejam: he gave the dog a ~ kick in the ribs, dia menendang rusuk anjing itu dgn kejamnya; 2. (colloq) mischievous, roguish, nakal: he gave me a ~ grin, dia tersengih nakal kpd saya; 3. very bad, appalling, terlampau tinggi; (of weather) buruk: interest rates have been ~ for the past year, kadar faedah terlampau tinggi sejak tahun lepas; the weather has been ~ recently, cuaca buruk sejak kebelakangan ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |