up | ~ against, menghadapi: I find myself ~ against a lot of problems, saya mendapati diri saya menghadapi banyak masalah; he knew he was ~ against a strong candidate, dia tahu dia menghadapi calon yg kuat; Johor are ~ against Selangor in the final, Johor akan menghadapi Selangor dlm perlawanan akhir; ~ to, a. be so’s responsibility, choice, /terpulang, terserah, bergantung/ kpd: it’s ~ to me to decide, terpulang kpd saya utk memutuskannya; b. as much as, sehingga: loans ~ to 90% are obtainable, pinjaman sehingga 90% boleh didapati; c. as high as, sehingga: profits were well ~ to 20% last year, keuntungan telah naik sehingga 20 peratus tahun lalu; ~ to 20,000 people attended the match, sehingga 20,000 orang menghadiri perlawanan itu; d. as far as, sampai, hingga: he walked straight ~ to the door, dia berjalan terus sampai ke pintu; the boy can count from 1 ~ to 20, budak itu boleh membilang dr 1 sampai 20; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stay 1 | c. continue moving along a route, terus: ~ on the coast road till you come to a junction, then turn left, terus ikut jalan pantai sehingga kamu sampai ke suatu simpang, kemudian barulah belok ke kiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |