no | "Did you go to Paris with him?" "N~", "Kamu pergi ke Paris bersamanya?" "Tidak"; d. (to say that one has not) tidak, tak, belum (lagi): "Have you finished the first draft?", "N~, I haven’t", "Sudahkah kamu menyiapkan draf yg pertama?" "Belum lagi"; e. (to say that one cannot or could not), /tidak, tak/ (boleh): "Will you have dinner with me, tomorrow?" "N~, I can’t", "Makan malam dgn saya esok?". "Tak boleh"; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
engaged | adj 1. betrothed, bertunang: ~ couples,z pasangan-pasangan yg telah bertunang; 2. busy, sibuk: “Can you come on Friday night?” “No, I’m otherwise~”, “Boleh saudara datang pd malam Sabtu?” “Tidak boleh, saya sibuk”; 3. ( of telephone line ) in use, digunakan: the line is ~, talian itu sedang digunakan; 4. (of public toilet ) sedang digunakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inclined | /be, feel/ so ~, mahu: you can give up your job, if you feel so ~, kamu boleh berhenti kerja, jika itu yg kamu mahu; feel ~, hendak, mahu: I felt ~ to say “no” at first, mula-mulanya, saya hendak mengatakan “tidak”; do you feel ~ to go for a walk?, kamu mahu pergi berjalan-jalan?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
believe | vt percaya akan, mempercayai; (preceding a clause) percaya: it is difficult to ~ his story, sukar mempercayai ceritanya; don’t ~ everything you read, jangan percaya akan semua yg kamu baca; do you ~ him?, kamu mempercayainya or kamu percaya akan kata-katanya?; I ~ he has retired, saya percaya dia telah bersara; a large amount of gold is ~d to have been hidden here, orang percaya bahawa banyak emas telah disembunyikan di sini; ~ it or not, would you ~ it?, (colloq) percaya tak?; ~ (you) me, percayalah; /can, could, would, etc/ ~ it of so., percaya sso /dapat, boleh/ melakukannya; I could scarcely ~ my /eyes, ears/, saya terperanjat /melihat, mendengar/ sst; I ~ not, rasanya tidak, rasa saya tidak; make ~, berpura-pura: they made ~ that they were cowboys, mereka berpura-pura bahawa mereka koboi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
odds | n pl 1. (probability that st will or will not happen) kemungkinan, mungkin: (probability that so., st will succeed) kemungkinan akan menang: of course such a thing may happen, but the ~ are it never will, memang perkara spt itu boleh jadi akan berlaku, tetapi kemungkinannya tidak; what are the ~ of his winning?, mungkinkah dia akan menang?; who would put money on a horse at those ~?, siapa yg akan mempertaruhkan wang atas kuda yg mempunyai kemungkinan menang spt itu?; 2. (in betting and expressed in numbers) ods; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |