before | conj 1. previous to the time when, sebelum: ~ he could reach the hand brake, the car had started moving, sebelum dia sempat mencapai brek tangan, kereta itu sudah bergerak; I must finish my work ~ I go home, saya mesti menyelesaikan kerja saya sebelum pulang; pay us a visit ~ you leave, kunjungilah kami sebelum tuan berangkat; it was /two, three, etc/ /days, months, etc/ ~ ... , /sesudah, selepas/ /dua, tiga dsb/ /hari, bulan dsb/ barulah ... , /dua, tiga dsb/ /hari, bulan dsb/ kemudian barulah ...: it was several days ~ order could be restored, sesudah beberapa hari barulah ketenteraman dapat dipulihkan; it will be /two, three, etc/ /days, months, etc / ~ ..., /sesudah, selepas/ /dua, tiga dsb/ /hari, bulan dsb/ barulah ..., /dua, tiga dsb/ /hari, bulan dsb/ /lagi, nanti/ barulah ...: it will be five years ~ we meet again, lima tahun lagi barulah kita berjumpa pula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
couple | a ~ of, a. two, dua: a ~ of schoolboys came to my rescue, dua orang budak sekolah menyelamatkan saya; in a ~ of years, dlm masa dua tahun; b. a few, beberapa: we’ll spend a ~ of days in Genting, kita akan menghabiskan beberapa hari di Genting; after a ~ of hours rest, they started working again, selepas berehat utk beberapa jam, mereka bekerja semula; c. approximately two, dua, tiga: have a ~ of drinks before you go, minumlah dua, tiga gelas lagi sebelum kamu balik; in ~s, berpasang-pasang(an); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
away | ~ from, a. (rel to distance), (jauhnya) dari; (described in terms of time taken to get to place referred to) perjalanan dr: the airport is only five kilometres ~ from my office, lapangan terbang itu hanya lima kilometer dari rumah saya; we are only half an hour ~ from Seremban, rumah kami hanya setengah jam perjalanan dr Seremban; b. (rel to time), [n] lagi dr: the general elections are a year ~ from the time of writing, pilihan raya umum setahun lagi dr waktu rencana ini ditulis; c. (rel to action), (so as to be further from a particular place) meninggalkan: he turned abruptly and walked ~ from our table, dia tiba-tiba berpusing lalu berjalan meninggalkan meja kami; d. absent from, (home) tdk tinggal di [rumah]; (school) tdk /hadir di, ke/ [sekolah]: the children are ~ from home at a boarding school, anak-anak saya tdk tinggal di rumah tetapi tinggal di sekolah berasrama; he’ll be ~ from school for at least three days, dia tdk akan hadir di sekolah sekurang-kurangnya tiga hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | d. (ref to event) dalam: he was illed ~ the Second World War, dia terkorban dalam Perang Dunia edua; 6. (when ref to so’s age) dalam: the suspect is ~ her early thirties, orang yg disyaki dalam lingkungan umur awal tiga puluhan; 7. within the space or at the end of, dalam (masa): the work must be completed ~ five days, kerja itu mesti disiapkan dalam masa lima hari; I’ll be home ~ half an hour, saya akan balik dalam masa setengah jam lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |