command | n 1. order, perintah; (of king) titah: he is fond of giving ~s, dia suka memberi perintah; the Colonel gave the ~ to fire, Kolonel itu memberi perintah utk menembak; 2. authority, right to command, kuasa; (mil) kuasa pemerintahan: the army was under the ~ of General Lee, tentera itu di bawah kuasa pemerintahan Jeneral Lee; 3. mastery, control, mengawal; (of language) penguasaan: he has little ~ over himself, dia tdk dapat mengawal dirinya dgn baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bidding | n 1. command, order, perintah; (of royalty) titah perintah; 2. request, suruhan; 3. act of making bids, penawaran, pembidaan: the ~ will begin in an hour, pembidaan itu akan bermula dlm masa sejam; 4. bids made, tawaran, bida; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
order | n 1. (instruction) arahan; (command) perintah; (issued by royalty) titah (perintah): no admission, on the ~ of the Governor, dilarang masuk, atas arahan Gabenor; ~s must be obeyed immediately, semua arahan mestilah dilaksanakan dgn segera; the captain gave the ~ to advance, kapten memberikan perintah utk mara; you are to remain here until further ~s, tuan hendaklah tunggu di sini sehingga mendapat arahan selanjutnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
address | n 1. (of person, organisation, etc) alamat: business ~, alamat perniagaan; to change o’s ~, bertukar alamat; 2. (on letter, parcel, etc) alamat; 3. formal speech, ucapan; (by monarch, regent) titah ucapan: the chairman delivered a short ~, pengerusi menyampaikan ucapan yg ringkas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
command | at o’s ~, berkuasa /thdp, ke atas/: he seems to have unlimited money at his ~, nampaknya dia berkuasa thdp jumlah wang yg tdk terhad banyaknya; be at so’s ~, bersedia menurut perintah sso: I am at your ~, saya bersedia menurut perintah puan; (do st) /at, by/ so’s ~, (membuat sst) atas arahan sso; (of royalty) atas titah perintah baginda; have ~ of, /berkuasa, mempunyai kuasa/ di: Britain had ~ of the seas, Britain mempunyai kuasa di laut; in ~, menguasai keadaan; (mil) memegang kuasa: he was once again in ~, dia sekali lagi menguasai keadaan; the officer in ~, pegawai yg memegang kuasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |