bollard | n (on quay) tonggak; (at roadside) tonggak jalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bitt | n (naut) tonggak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
saw 1 | he ~ed off the damaged end of the pole, dia memotong bahagian hujung tonggak yg rosak itu dgn menggergajinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pylon | n 1. tall structure supporting electrical cables, pilon; 2. gateway to Egyptian temple, tonggak pedaka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prop 1 | n 1. support, (as used in tunnel, pit, etc) sangga, penyangga; (used for clothes-line, tree, etc) topang: wooden ~s support the walls of the tunnel, sangga kayu menyangga dinding-dinding terowong itu;2. a. (person giving moral support to another) tempat /bersandar, bergantung/: his wife was his ~ throughout the period of his trial, sepanjang perbicaraan itu isterinya merupakan tempat dia bersandar; b. (st giving support, strength to st) tonggak: without the right wing, the party lost one of its main ~s, tanpa sayap kanannya, parti itu kehilangan salah satu tonggak utamanya; being honest with one another was the ~ of their marriage, bersikap jujur antara satu sama lain merupakan tonggak perkahwinan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sculptured | adj 1. represented in sculpture, arca: the ~ mermaid, arca ikan duyung; 2. shaped into a sculpture, dibentuk: statues ~ out of marble, patung yg dibentuk drpd marmar; 3. decorated with sculptures, dipahat: the ~ heads of the columns, kepala tonggak yg dipahat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anchor | n 1. (naut) sauh, jangkar: ~ cable, kabel sauh; deep-sea ~, sauh laut dalam; /be, lie, ride/ at ~, berlabuh, bersauh; /cast, drop the, let go the/ ~, /membuang, menurunkan, melabuhkan/ sauh; come to ~, melabuhkan sauh; weigh ~, /membongkar, mengangkat, menaikkan/ sauh; 2. contrivance etc that holds st fast, penambat, pengukuh: a huge concrete block acted as an ~ for the pylon, sebuah blok konkrit yg sangat besar bertindak sbg pengukuh bagi tonggak pedaka; 3. source of confidence, stability, pengukuh hidup: religion was his ~, agama adalah pengukuh hidupnya; 4. see ANCHORMAN; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |