partake | 2. participate in activity, /ikut, turut/ serta: they went to the bride’s house to ~ in the celebrations, mereka pergi ke rumah pengantin perempuan utk turut serta dlm majlis perkahwinan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
more | ~ and ~, makin lama makin + approp adj: ~ and ~ people joined the demonstration, makin lama makin ramai orang yg turut serta dlm tunjuk perasaan itu; ~ of, [various translations]: they saw ~ of Tilly before she got married | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chasel | n 1. pursuit, pengejaran, pemburuan, mengejar, memburu: the villagers joined in the ~, penduduk kampung turut serta dlm pengejaran itu; after a long ~ the thief was captured, selepas lama memburu, pencuri itu dapat ditangkap; give ~ (to), mengejar, memburu: police gave ~ to the speeding car, polis mengejar kereta yg laju itu; 2. hunting, perburuan, berburu: they enjoyed the ~ more than the kill, mereka lebih seronok berburu drpd mendapat hasil buruan; 3. animal pursued, buruan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mob | vt crowd around, (to attack) mengeroyok; (to admire, welcome enthusiastically, etc) mengerumuni: the striking workers ~bed the blacklegs, pekerja-pekerja yg mogok itu mengeroyok pekerja-pekerja yg tdk mahu turut serta; the f | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
part | lelaki itu hanya berlakon; play a ~ in, memainkan peranan dlm: games play a very important ~ in moulding a person’s character, sukan memainkan peranan yg sangat penting dlm membentuk peribadi seseorang; take ~ in, /ikut, turut/ /serta, sama/ dlm, mengambil bahagian: the Mayor’s wife took ~ in a discussion about the role of women in society, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fray1 | n 1. noisy quarrel, pergaduhan: when the Swedes and the Poles drinking in the bar started fighting, he readily joined in the ~, apabila orang Sweden dan Poland yg minum di bar itu mulai bergaduh, tanpa berlengah-lengah dia turut serta dlm pergaduhan itu; 2. exciting action, pertempuran, bertempur: she went to the department meeting ready for the ~, dia pergi ke mesyuarat jabatan bersedia utk bertempur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
join | ~ in, approp v + /bersama-sama, sama/; (fml) ikut serta, turut sama: we’re playing Monopoly; why don’t you join in?, kami sedang main Monopoli; marilah main bersama-sama; the food looks delicious; may we ~ in?,sedap nampaknya makanan itu; boleh kami makan sama?; ~ in st, bersama-sama; (fml) ikut serta, turut sama: many people in the audience started to ~ in the singing, ramai penonton yg mula bernyanyi bersama-sama or turut sama bernyanyi; he refused to ~ in the discussion, dia enggan ikut serta dlm perbincangan itu; ~ so. in st, approp v + (sst) /bersama(-sama), dgn/ sso: do ~ us in a walk, mari bersiar-siar bersama kami; will you ~ me in a game of chess?, saudara hendak bermain catur dgn saya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
join | 3. associate with (so. in st) bersama-sama, ikut serta, turut sama; (meet so. as companion) bersama-sama: he invited us to ~ his party at the theatre, dia mempelawa kami utk bersama-sama or turut sama dlm kumpulannya di panggung itu; the children were not allowed to ~ the procession, kanak-kanak itu tdk dibenarkan ikut serta dlm perarakan tersebut; I’ll ~ you as soon as I can, saya akan bersama-sama kamu secepat mungkin; 4. become member of, a. (the army, navy, etc) masuk: he has ~ed the army, dia telah masuk tentera; b. (club, political party, etc) menjadi ahli, masuk: he decided to ~ the UMNO, dia mengambil | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |