verbosity, verboseness | n bahasa yg berjela-jela: a speech marked by ~, ucapan yg bercirikan bahasa yg berjela-jela. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
verbiage | n wordiness, bahasa yg berjela-jela: the speech is a mass of ~, ucapan itu penuh dgn bahasa yg berjela-jela. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shake-up | the market has been ~ over the past few weeks, pasaran saham goyang selama beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini; I’ll deliver the speech in Malay as my English is rather ~, saya akan menyampaikan ucapan dlm bahasa Malaysia krn bahasa Inggeris saya kurang baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
halting | adj faltering, terputus-putus, tersangkut-sangkut, tertahan-tahan: his ~ delivery spoiled the effect of the speech, penyampaiannya yg terputus-putus merosakkan kesan ucapan itu; he answered me in ~ English, dia menjawab pertanyaan saya dlm bahasa Inggeris yg tersangkut-sangkut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
introduce | he made the mistake of introducing new points into his argument at the end of his speech, dia membuat kesilapan dgn memperkenalkan perkara-perkara baru dlm hujahnya di akhir ucapan; over the years, thousands of technical terms have been ~d into the language, selama beberapa tahun ini, beribu-ribu istilah teknik telah diperkenalkan ke dlm bahasa tersebut; don’t ~ personalities into the conversation, jangan sebut nama orang dlm perbualan ini; d. slip in, menyisipkan: to ~ humour into the play, menyisipkan unsur lucu dlm drama itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heroic | adj 1. very brave, sungguh berani: a ~ struggle, perjuangan yg sungguh berani: a ~ rescue, tindakan menyelamat yg sungguh berani; 2. on a grand scale, besar: ~ enterprise, perusahaan besar; 3. (of style, language) muluk-muluk: a speech written in ~ language, ucapan yg ditulis dlm bahasa yg muluk-muluk; 4. (liter.) wira: ~ epic, epik wira. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
excellent | adj cemerlang, sangat baik; ( of cook, teacher, carpenter, etc ) sangat mahir, cemerlang; ( ref to so’s ability to use a language ) sangat baik; ( of meal, cooking ) sungguh /lazat, sedap, enak/: his opening speech was ~, ucapan pembukaannya cemerlang; an ~ student, seorang pelajar yg cemerlang; what an ~ idea!, itu gagasan yg cemerlang; the translation he did is ~, terjemahan yg dibuatnya itu sangat baik; she obtained ~ results in the examination, dia memperoleh keputusan yg cemerlang dlm peperiksaan itu; an ~ photographer, seorang jurugambar yg sangat mahir; he speaks ~ Tagalog, dia bertutur dlm bahasa Tagalog yg sangat baik; that was an ~ meal, masakan itu sungguh lazat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |