wet-nurse | n ibu susu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wet dock | n dok basah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wet blanket | n (colloq) pelemah semangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wet | ~ o’s whistle, (colloq) minum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wet | n the ~, rain, hujan: they were walking out in the ~, mereka sedang berjalan dlm hujan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wet | ~ behind the ears, (colloq) baru setahun jagung; ~ /to the skin, through/, basah /kuyup, lencun/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wet | 5. soaked in urine, kencing, basah: the baby is crying, do you think he is ~?, bayi itu menangis, kencingkah dia?; she changed the baby’s ~ nappy, dia menukar napkin bayi yg basah; 6. fresh, uncooked, not smoked or dried, basah: a ~ fish stall, gerai ikan basah; 7. (colloq & derog) feeble, lembik, tdk bersemangat: it was ~ of him to not say a word to defend himself, betapa lembiknya dia, sehingga tdk langsung bersuara utk mempertahankan dirinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wet | adj 1. covered, soaked in water, rain, etc, basah: the grass was ~ with dew, rumput itu basah kena embun; he had been sweating and his pyjamas were soaking ~, dia berpeluh dan pijamanya basah kuyup; don’t get your feet ~, jangan biarkan kaki kamu basah; 2. rainy, lembap: ~ weather, cuaca lembap; the winter was cold and ~, musim dingin yg sejuk dan lembap; 3. not yet dry or solid, basah: the ink was still ~ on the contract, dakwat pd surat perjanjian itu masih basah; ~ paint, cat basah; mind the window, the paint is still ~, baik-baik, cat tingkap itu masih basah; 4. full of or covered in tears, a. (of the eyes), /bergenangan, berlinangan/ air mata: her eyes were red and ~ as she left the room, matanya bergenangan air mata semasa dia keluar dr bilik itu; b. (of the face, cheeks) dibasahi: her sunken cheeks were ~ with tears, pipinya yg cengkung dibasahi air mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wet | vt 1. make wet, membasahkan: he kept on ~ting his lips, dia asyik membasahkan bibirnya; she ~ted a sponge in warm water, dia membasahkan span dlm air suam; he didn’t swim but just ~ted himself in the water, dia tdk berenang, hanya membasahkan badannya dlm air; 2. urinate, kencing /di atas, dalam/ [n]: the patient has ~ the bed, pesakit itu kencing di atas katil; the child ~s his trousers,, budak itu kencing dalam seluarnya; ~ os, kencing: he’s ~ himself again, dia kencing lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wringing | adj; ~ wet, (fairly colloq) basah /kuyup, lencun/: her dress is ~ wet, bajunya basah kuyup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |