unzip | vt membuka zip: could you ~ me please?, boleh kamu buka zip baju saya?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unzip | vi zip [sst] terbuka: her dress ~ped as she sat down, zip bajunya terbuka semasa dia duduk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fasten | vt 1. make secure, fix firmly, a. (article of clothing) mengancing; (using a zip) mengezip: to ~ a corset, mengancing korset; b. (fastener) mengancing, mengenakan; (zip) mengezip: she deftly ~ed the buttons of her blouse, dgn tangkas dia mengancing butang blausnya; c. (string, stay, etc) mengikat; d. (by tying, binding) mengikat: the parcel must be ~ ed with string, bungkusan itu mesti diikat dgn tali; e. (by cementing etc) mengukuhkan: ~ the post with cement so that it stands upright, kukuhkan tiang itu dgn simen supaya tegak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | ~ up, be fastened, berkancing; (with zip) berzip; ~ os up, adorn os, (act. & pass.) berhias diri: she is all ~ne up for the party, dia berhias diri utk ke parti itu; ~ st up, a. renovate st, mengubah suai sst; b. fasten hook-and-eye, button, mengancing; c. tie, mengikat; d. wrap, membungkus; ~ up the zip, menzip; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fasten | vi 1. become fast or secure, a. (of zip) ditutup, dizip; b. (of other fasteners) dikancing: the buckle won’t ~ properly, gancu itu tdk dapat dikancing dgn baik; c. (of garment) dikancing; (using a zip) dizip; 2. become closed by fixing firmly, ditutup; (by locking) dikunci; (of lock) dikancing: the window ~s with a bolt,tingkap itu dikunci dgn selak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
snap | 6. (US), (colloq) st that is easy to do, kacang; 7. (colloq) vigour, zip, semangat: the team has plenty of ~, and should do well, pasukan itu penuh semangat, dan sepatutnya berjaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |