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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

disadvantagedadj deprived, tdk beruntung: ~ children from the slum areas, kanak-kanak yg tdk beruntung dr kawasan sesak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
findn jumpaan, temuan: the latest archaeological ~, temuan arkeologi yg terbaru; so. is a /great, real, marvelous, etc/ ~, sso beruntung mendapat sso: our new maid is quite a ~, kami beruntung mendapat pembantu rumah yg baru ini; st is a /great, real, marvelous, etc /~, sso beruntung menjumpai sst: this antique shop is a real ~, saya beruntung menjumpai kedai antik ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gainvi 1. derive benefit, beruntung, menguntungkan; (in form of profit) mendapat /keuntungan, laba/: he will ~ in the long run by his patience, dia akan beruntung akhirnya sekiranya dia bersabar; she will definitely ~ from the experience, pengalaman itu tentu saja menguntungkannya; since I put up the capital, I expect to ~ from the venture, oleh sebab saya yg mendahulukan modal, saya berharap akan mendapat keuntungan drpd urusniaga itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fortunateadj 1. lucky, having good luck, bernasib baik, beruntung: he was ~ to escape capture, dia bernasib baik krn tdk ditangkap; I have been ~ in my children, saya beruntung mendapat anak-anak yg baik; at a ~ time, kena pd masanya: he came at a very ~ time, dia datang kena pd masanya; it was ~ for so., /untunglah, nasib baiklah, mujurlah/ (sso, bagi sso): it was ~ for Agnes that her son was at school at that time, untunglah Agnes, anak lelakinya berada di sekolah pd masa itu; 2. bringing good luck, menguntungkan: a ~ investment, pelaburan yg menguntungkan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
charmedadj 1. influenced (as) by magic, dipukau; 2. as if protected by magic, terlindung drpd bahaya: he had a ~ life, hidupnya terlindung drpd bahaya; 3. pleased, beruntung: I’m ~ed to meet you, saya berasa beruntung bertemu dgn saudari; 4. captivated, tertawan: a ~ audience, penonton yg tertawan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fellown 1. (colloq) man, orang, [or not translated]; (when gender should be specified) laki-laki, lelaki: he a nice ~, dia baik (orangnya); tell that ~ to go away, suruh orang itu pergi; she’s been going out with the same ~ for weeks, dia sudah berminggu-minggu keluar dgn lelaki yg sama; 2. (usu in pl) companion, associate, rakan: school ~s, rakan sekolah; ~s in crime, rakan sekongkol; ~s in /good fortune, misery, etc/, sama-sama /beruntung, susah, dll/; 3. (colloq) boyfriend, pak we; 4. (of learned society, college, university) fellow.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
back4. make a backing for, melapik, melapisi: to ~ silk with stiffened cotton, melapik kain sutera dgn kain kapas yg telah dikeraskan; b. form the background of, /merupakan, menjadi/ latar belakang: the hills that ~ed the village, bukit-bukau yg merupakan latar belakang kampung itu; 6. endorse, mengesahkan: to ~ a bill, mengesahkan bil; 7. bet on, bertaruh pd, memasang taruh pd, menaruhi: they were fortunate to have ~ed the winning horse in the race, mereka beruntung krn telah bertaruh pd kuda yg menang dlm perlumbaan itu; ~ the /right, wrong/ horse, menyokong + approp n yg /menang, kalah/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fortunewin a ~, memenangi wang yg banyak; worth a ~, sangat berhaga; 2. fate, destiny, nasib: we must accept such incidents as the ~s of war, kita mesti menerima peristiwa spt itu sbg nasib semasa perang; it was his ~ to fail, although he nearly succeeded, sudah nasibnya dia gagal, walaupun dia hampir-hampir berjaya; F~ smiles on /so., st/, nasib menyebelahi /sso, sst/; seek o’s ~, merantau mencari untung nasib; tell so’s, ~, /menilik, menengok, menenung/ nasib sso; 3. chance, luck, nasib: he tried his ~ at the roulette table, dia mencuba nasibnya di meja roulette; by a stroke of ~, krn bernasib baik; have the good ~, bernasib baik, beruntung: she had the good ~ to travel far and wide, dia bernasib baik dapat mengembara jauh; have the ill ~, bernasib malang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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