breeze | ~ through, lulus dgn /mudah, senang/: she ~d through the exam, dia lulus dlm peperiksaan itu dgn mudah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ so. through (exam, test), /membantu, menolong/ hingga sso lulus: with additional classes the lecturer got all his students through, dgn mengadakan kuliah tambahan, pensyarah itu dapat membantu hingga semua pelajarnya lulus; ~ st through, a. cause st to move, pass through, membawa sst melalui: we could not ~ the cupboard through the door, kami tdk dapat membawa almari itu melalui pintu; b. cause st to be passed by Parliament, (berjaya) mengatur supaya sst diluluskan: to ~ a bill through the House, berjaya mengatur supaya rang undang-undang diluluskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
each | ~ of + pl n, /setiap, tiap-tiap/ + sing. n, tiap-tiap + classifier drpd + pl n: ~ of the students passed, setiap pelajar itu lulus or tiap-tiap seorang drpd pelajar-pelajar itu lulus; ~ of the books, setiap buah buku or tiap-tiap sebuah drpd buku-buku itu; ~ of /us, them/, /we, they/ ~, tiap-tiap seorang drpd /kami, mereka/, /kami, mereka/ masing-masing: ~ of us won a prize; we ~ won a prize, tiap-tiap seorang drpd kami memenangi hadiah or kami masing-masing memenangi hadiah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
graduate | vi 1. obtain degree from university or college, /mendapat, memperoleh/ ijazah: she ~d in law last year, dia mendapat ijazah undang-undang tahun lalu; to ~ with honours, mendapat ijazah dgn kepujian; 2. gain qualification, lulus sbg: he ~d as an engineer, dia lulus sbg jurutera; 3. (US) complete a course from other institutions, lulus: she never ~d from high school, dia tdk lulus sekolah tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fail | vt 1. be unsuccessful, gagal, tdk lulus: she ~ed her driving test, dia gagal dlm ujian memandunya; 2. declare as unsuccessful, menggagalkan, mengandaskan: the teacher ~ed nearly twenty percent of the class, guru itu menggagalkan hampir-hampir dua puluh peratus murid dlm kelas itu; 3. disappoint expectations of (so.) at time of need, mengecewakan; (of voice) tdk keluar; (of legs) menjadi lemah: I’m sure he won’t ~ me, saya pasti dia tdk akan mengecewakan saya; her legs ~ed her and she sat down suddenly, kakinya menjadi lemah dan dia cepat-cepat duduk; so’s courage ~ so., sso hilang semangat; so’s memory ~ so., sso tdk mengingat sst; words ~ me, lidahku kelu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distinction | 5. (in examination), (markah) cemerlang: to pass with ~, lulus dgn cemerlang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flying colours | n; with ~, dgn cemerlang: he passed with ~, dia lulus dgn cemerlang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fail | vi 1. be unsuccessful, gagal, tdk berjaya; (in examination etc) tdk lulus, gagal, terkandas: the negotiations ~ed, rundingan itu gagal; the visit ~ed in its purpose, lawatan itu gagal mencapai tujuannya; he ~ed in his duty, dia gagal menjalankan tugasnya; 2. stop functioning or working properly, a. (of mechanical device) rosak: the steering suddenly ~ed, stering tiba-tiba rosak; b. (of brakes, clutch) tdk makan; c. (of heart) berhenti berdenyut; d. (of engine) mati; 3. lose power or strength, weaken, (menjadi) lemah; (of health) merosot; (of eyesight) menjadi kabur: the old man’s memory is ~ing, daya ingatan orang tua itu semakin lemah; her strength was beginning to ~ , dia mula menjadi lemah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grade | b. (mus) level of skill, gred: she’s passed her ~ 5 piano exam, dia telah lulus peperiksaan piano gred 5; 3. a. rank, gred: the highest ~ of semi-skilled workers, pekerja separuh mahir gred tertinggi; b. level of importance, peringkat: people of every ~ of society, orang drpd setiap peringkat masyarakat; 4. (US) division in school, gred: he is in the fourth ~, dia dlm gred empat; 5. (US) pupils in such division, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
joy | n 1. gladness, great pleasure, kegembiraan, gembira: he jumped for ~ when he was told he had passed the exam, dia melompat kegembiraan apabila diberitahu bahawa dia telah lulus peperiksaan itu; to be filled with ~, berasa sangat gembira; 2. st that causes gladness, (sst yg) menggembirakan: while at college, she discovered the ~ of writing poetry, semasa di maktab, dia mendapati menulis sajak itu sst yg menggembirakan; the children are a great ~ to her, kanak-kanak itu menggembirakannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |