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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

dishwashern (machine) mesin basuh pinggan mangkuk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
boonn 1. blessing, rahmat: the washing machine is a great ~ to her, mesin basuh merupakan satu rahmat besar baginya; 2. (archaic) favour, pertolongan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
install , (US) instalvt 1. fix (machine, device, etc) in position, memasang: the washing machine has not been ~ed yet, mesin basuh belum dipasang lagi; 2. place in position of authority, melantik secara rasmi: he was ~ed as Governor of Malacca, beliau dilantik secara rasmi sbg Yang Dipertua Negeri Melaka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
invest~ in, a. put money in, melabur dgn membeli: she ~ed heavily in property, dia banyak melabur dgn membeli harta benda; b. (colloq) membeli: I’ve just ~ed in a new washing machine, saya baru saja membeli mesin basuh yg baru;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
guaranteen 1. (formal) promise that st will be done or will definitely happen, jaminan; (leg.) gerenti: the computer has a two-year ~, komputer itu mempunyai jaminan dua tahun; is the washing machine still under ~?, adakah mesin basuh itu masih dlm jaminan?; the union wanted some ~ that the management would give the matter due consideration, kesatuan sekerja mahukan suatu jaminan bahawa pihak pengurusan akan memberikan pertimbangan sewajarnya thdp perkara itu; ~ letter, surat jaminan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
come~ off, a. become detached, tertanggal, tercabut; (of paint, lacquer, plaster, etc) tertanggal: the doorknob came off in my hand, tombol pintu itu tercabut apabila saya memegangnya; b. able to be removed, tanggal, hilang; (of st detachable) ditanggalkan: the stain did not ~ off, kesan kotor itu tdk mahu tanggal; does the lid of the washing machine ~ off?, bolehkah penutup mesin basuh itu ditanggalkan?; c. fall from, jatuh dr: he came off his bicycle and hurt his knees, dia jatuh dr basikalnya dan lututnya luka; d. (of event) take place, diadakan; (of wedding) berlangsung; (in negative construction) jadi: the match came off in spite of the rain, perlawanan itu diadakan walaupun hari hujan; their wedding never came off, mereka tdk jadi berkahwin;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blow15. direct air-current at, meniup, menghembus: he blew the fire into a good blaze, dia meniup api itu hingga marak; 6. make or give shape by the action of air, meniup: to ~ glass into many shapes, meniup kaca menjadi berbagai-bagai bentuk; to ~ bubbles, meniup buih (sabun); 7. (fuse) terbakar: the washing machine blew a fuse, fius mesin basuh itu terbakar; 8. burst, meletup: the car blew a tyre on the way, tayar kereta itu meletup dlm perjalanan; I blew a tyre at 150 kph, tayar kereta saya meletup semasa saya memandu selaju 150 kmsj;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
itb. (as obj of prep or of act. verb) i. (gen) -nya: your plan doesn’t seem to be working. What are you going to do about ~?, rancangan kamu nampaknya tdk berhasil. Apa yg akan kamu lakukan tentangnya?; the plane is still in good condition but it’s got some grease on ~, ketam itu masih dlm keadaan elok tetapi terdapat gris sedikit padanya; I mislaid my purse and finally found ~ on the washing machine, saya salah letak dompet saya dan akhirnya menjumpainya di atas mesin basuh; ii. (when transitive verb preceding “it” becomes an intransitive verb in Malay), [not translated]: I should like to go abroad but I can’t afford ~, saya ingin ke luar negeri tetapi saya tdk mampu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
give~ out, a. become exhausted, habis, kehabisan; (of patience) hilang: my money gave out before I even reached my destination, wang saya habis or saya kehabisan wang sebelum saya sempat sampai ke tempat yg dituju; the water supply gave out the day before he was rescued, bekalan airnya habis sehari sebelum dia diselamatkan; b. (colloq) break down, i. (of engine) mati; ii. (of car etc) terhenti; iii. (of mechanism) rosak: the motor in my washing machine has ~n out, motor dlm mesin basuh saya sudah rosak; iv. (of fuse) terbakar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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