immediately | adv 1. at once, without delay, dgn segera; (in imper construction) dgn segera, sekarang (juga): she called and they came ~, dia memanggil dan mereka datang dgn segera; please return ~, tolong pulang dgn segera; 2. instantly, segera: the cause of the problem was not ~ apparent, punca masalah itu tdk segera ketara; 3. a. (ref to direct involvement in a situation) langsung: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immediate | adj 1. accomplished, needed without delay, segera: an ~ reply, jawapan segera; for ~ delivery, utk serahan segera; this should be enough for her ~ needs, ini seharusnya cukup utk keperluan segeranya; ~ action, tindakan segera; with ~ effect, dgn segera; 2. most direct, langsung: the blow on the head was the ~ cause of death, pukulan kpd kepalanya itu adalah sebab langsung kematiannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hasty | adj 1. hurried, quick, segera, cepat: he made a ~ denial when they accused him of it, dia membuat penafian segera apabila mereka menuduhnya melakukan perkara itu; a ~ retreat, pengunduran segera; 2. rash, precipitate, a. (gen) terburu-buru, tergesa-gesa: he regretted his ~ decision, dia menyesali keputusannya yg terburu-buru; ~ preparations, persediaan yg tergesa-gesa; b. (of person) bertindak /terburu-buru, tergesa-gesa/; c. (of words) terlanjur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earliest | adj & adv paling /awal, segera/, /awal, mula-mula/ sekali: one of the ~ symptoms of cancer, salah satu tanda penyakit barah yang paling awal; at the ~, paling /awal, segera/: on Monday at the ~, paling segera, pd hari Isnin; at your ~ convenience, secepat mungkin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fast-food | adj makanan segera: a ~ restaurant, restoran makanan segera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dispatch | with ~, (old-fashioned or fml) dgn segera: go with all possible ~, pergi dgn seberapa segera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fly1 | 6. leave in great hurry, pergi segera; (in order to escape from captivity) lari: you’ll have to ~ if you want to catch that train, kamu mesti pergi segera kalau kamu hendak naik kereta api itu; when we got back we discovered that our prisoner had flown, apabila kami balik, kami dapati tahanan telah lari; 7. pass swiftly, berlalu dgn cepat: time flies!, masa berlalu dgn cepat!; 8. (of rumours etc) tersebar: her appearance in company with a different man started the rumours ~ing, kemunculannya bersama lelaki lain menyebabkan khabar angin tersebar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brook2 | vt (usu with negative) membiarkan: he would ~ no interference, dia tdk akan membiarkan sesiapa pun campur tangan; ~ no delay, memerlukan tindakan segera: an important matter which ~s no delay, perkara penting yg memerlukan tindakan segera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fast food | n makanan segera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instant | adj 1. immediate, (dgn) serta-merta: to get an ~ response, mendapat jawapan serta-merta; her latest novel was an ~ success, novel terbarunya mendapat kejayaan dgn serta-merta; take an ~ /liking, dislike/ to /so., st/, terus /menyukai, tdk suka akan/ /sso, sst/: my mother took an ~ liking to him, ibu saya terus menyukainya; 2. urgent, segera: the children are in ~ need of help, kanak-kanak itu memerlukan pertolongan segera; 3. (of food) segera: ~ coffee, kopi segera; ~ noodles, mi segera; 4. usu inst., (becoming rare), (bulan) ini: on the 15th inst., pd 15 hari bulan ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |