god | G~ damn you, haram jadah, celaka kamu; G~ help so., Tuhan melindungi sso; G~’s gift to women, jantan nombor satu di dunia: he thinks he is G~’s gift to women, dia fikir dia jantan nombor satu di dunia; G~ willing, jika dizinkan Tuhan; (in Islam) Insya-Allah, jika diizinkan Allah; by G~, (colloq) Ya Tuhan, Ya Rabbi; for G~’s sake, tolonglah; good G~, my G~, oh G~, G~ in Heaven, Ya Tuhan; (in Islam) Ya Allah, Ya Rabbi; /how, what, why/ in G~’s name, [not translated]: why in G~’s name didn’t you go to the police?, kenapalah kamu tdk pergi pd polis?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
god | I / hope, pray, swear, etc/ to G~, (colloq) saya berdoa kpd Tuhan, sumpah saya..., dll: I hope to G~ nothing has happened to them, saya berdoa kpd Tuhan tdk ada apa-apa yg berlaku pd mereka; I swear to G~ I knew nothing about it, sumpah saya tak tahu apa-apa ttg hal itu; play G~, hendak cuba jadi Tuhan; thank G~, syukurlah: thank G~ you’re back, syukurlah kamu sudah kembali; be with G~, kembali ke pangkuan Tuhan; (specif in Islam) kembali ke rahmatullah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
G-string | n G-string. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anti-g suit | adj baju anti-g. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gospel | n 1. the G~, (biblical) Gospel: the G~ according to St. Luke, Gospel mengikut St. Luke; 2. guiding principles, prinsip: they believe in the ~ of hard work, mereka percaya akan prinsip bekerja kuat; 3. also ~ truth, st that can be regarded as unquestionable truth, (sst yg) benar: he takes everything his teacher says as ~, dia menganggap apa saja yg dikatakan oleh gurunya itu sbg sst yg benar; 4. (mus) gospel. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
high-falutin(g) | adj (colloq) pretentious, pompous, melebih-lebih: ~ talk, cakap melebih-lebih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | g. (colloq) fall asleep, tidur: the baby has just ~ne off, bayi itu baru tidur; h. cease to function, terputus: the electricity went off while I was cooking, bekalan eletrik terputus ketika saya sedang memasak; i. cease, hilang: the pain didn’t ~ off until the next day, rasa sakit tdk hilang hingga hari berikutnya; j. (colloq) cease to enjoy, like, tak suka lagi: I’ve ~ne off eggs, saya sudah tak suka lagi makan telur; k. be carried out, berlangsung: the meeting went off well, mesyuarat itu berlangsung dgn baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | g. become known, diketahui: at last, the whole truth came out, akhirnya, perkara yg sebenar diketahui; there was uproar when the news came out, berlaku kegemparan bila berita itu diketahui; h. be published, diterbitkan: the dictionary will ~ out this year, kamus itu akan diterbitkan tahun ini; i. appear in certain way (as in photograph) kelihatan, nampak: only the captain didn’t ~ out well in the photograph, hanya kapten saja yg kelihatan tdk hebat dlm gambar itu; j. (of photograph) jadi: none of the photographs I took came out, tdk satu pun gambar yg saya ambil jadi; k. be solved (of sum, problem, etc) menyelesaikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | g. come into power, dipilih; (of government) mula berkuasa: when the Liberal Party came in the drug problem had already become chronic, apabila parti Liberal dipilih masalah penyalahgunaan dadah sudahpun menjadi kronik; h. become fashionable, menjadi fesyen: baggy pants came in last year, seluar gedoboh menjadi fesyen tahun lalu; i. become seasonal, bermusim: durians came in quite early this year, durian bermusim agak cepat tahun ini; j. take part, memainkan peranan: this is where I ~ in: my job is to distract the guard, di sinilah saya memainkan peranan: tugas saya ialah mengalihkan perhatian pengawal itu; k. be received as income, mendapat, memperoleh: his money ~s in regularly, dia mendapat wang secara tetap; where do I ~ in, apa peranan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | g. give way (to emotion) tdk dapat menguasai perasaan; (to pressure) tdk dapat tahan: she broke down and cried, dia tdk dapat menguasai perasaannya lalu menangis; under interrogation, the prisoner broke down and confessed, semasa disoal, orang tahanan itu tdk dapat tahan lagi lalu mengaku; ~ st down, a. cause st to fall or collapse by breaking, memecahkan sst: the police had to ~ down the door, polis terpaksa memecahkan pintu itu; b. crush opposition etc, /menghancurkan, menumpaskan/ sst: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |