burr2 | vt 1. pronounce with burr, menggetarkan: a Scot ~s his “r”s, seorang bangsa Scot menggetarkan sebutan huruf “r”; 2. make whirring sound, berderu; (of telephone) bergetar bunyinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guer(r)illa | n gerila: ~ warfare, perang gerila. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defer(r)able | adj /dapat, boleh/ /ditangguhkan, ditunda/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burr2 | n 1. whirring sound, (bunyi) /deru, deruan/; (of telephone) bunyi getar: the ~ of a car in the distance, bunyi deruan kereta kedengaran di kejauhan; 2. trilled ‘r’ made when speaking English, menggetarkan bunyi ‘r’: he speaks with a slight Irish ~, dia bercakap dgn menggetarkan bunyi ‘r’ spt orang Ireland; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
augury | n omen, alamat, pe(r)tanda. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
augur | vi ; ~ /ill, well/ for, merupakan pe(r)tanda /buruk, baik/: the affair ~s ill for us, perkara itu merupakan pertanda buruk bagi kita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gratuitous | adj 1. (fml & derog) unwarranted, uncalled for, tdk sepatutnya + approp v: a ~ insult, kata-kata kesat yg tdk sepatutnya diluahkan; we must put a stop to this ~ acts of vandalism, kita mesti menghentikan perbuatan-perbuatan laku musnah yg tdk sepatutnya berlaku ini; 2. (rare) without payment or obligation, percuma: ~ advice, nasihat percuma. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intrusive | adj 1. tending to intrude, mengganggu: she was sympathetic but never ~, dia bersimpati tetapi tdk pernah mengganggu; ~ salesmen, jurujual-jurujual yg mengganggu; an ~ manner, perangai yg mengganggu; 2. (ling) intrusif: the ~ “r” in “law and order”, “r” intrusif dlm frasa “law and order”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
augur | vt 1. predict, meramalkan: to ~ no good, meramalkan sst yg buruk akan berlaku; 2. portend, menandakan, memberikan /pe(r)tanda, alamat/ bahawa: problems that ~ the failure of the scheme, masalah-masalah yg menandakan bahawa rancangan itu akan gagal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carry | i. (on the head) menjunjung: she carried a basket of fruit on her head, dia menjunjung sebakul buah-buahan; j. (by the handle, strap, etc) membimbit; k. (in the arms) mendukung; l. (by hugging close to the chest) mencempung; m. (with upstretched arms) menjulang; n. (on the palm) menatang; o. (astride the shoulders) menyompoh; p. (astride the back) mengokko; q. (against the hip) mengelek; r. (in a pouch or cloth strapped to the body) mengendong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |