art | n 1. creation of works of beauty, seni: the ~ of pottery, seni tembikar; ~ for ~’s sake, seni utk seni; 2. human skill (as distinguished from nature) kemahiran seni: could this strange arrangement be the product of ~?, dapatkah susunan yg ganjil ini dianggap sbg hasil kemahiran seni?; 3. fine skill, kemahiran: the story is developed with great ~, cerita itu diolah dgn kemahiran yg istimewa; there’s an ~ to tightrope walking, berjalan di atas tali yg diregang memerlukan kemahiran; 4. works of art collectively, /(karya, ciptaan)/ seni: a work of ~, karya seni; the ~ of the early Egyptians, karya seni Mesir purba; an ~ museum, muzium seni; 5. field, genre of art, seni; (esp painting) seni lukis: an ~ student, penuntut seni; shadow play is an ~, permainan wayang kulit ialah suatu seni; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
artistic | adj 1. of, pertaining to art, seni: ~ talent, bakat seni; the nation’s ~ treasures, khazanah seni negara; 2. of, pertaining to artists, seniman, seni: ~ temperament, pembawaan seni; 3. done, made with art, berseni: an ~ arrangement of roses, gubahan bunga mawar yg berseni; the ~ use of colour in the film, penggunaan warna yg berseni dlm filem itu; 4. naturally skilled in art, berjiwa seni: she has always been ~, dia memang berjiwa seni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arty | adj (colloq) 1. (of person ) kononnya berjiwa seni: a rather ~ young couple, pasangan muda yg kononnya berjiwa seni; 2. (of thing) kononnya mempunyai keindahan seni: ~ furniture,perabot yg kononnya mempunyai keindahan seni; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
architecture | n 1. (the art or science) seni bina; 2. style of building, gaya seni bina: Greek ~, gaya seni bina Yunani; 3. building or buildings collectively, bangunan; 4. design, construction of anything, reka bentuk: the ~ of the universe, reka bentuk dunia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
art-form | n 1. form of composition, bentuk seni; 2. medium of artistic expression, bentuk seni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
artistically | adv 1. from an artistic point of view, dr segi seni: ~, the exhibition was a success, dr segi seni, pameran itu berjaya; 2. in an artistic manner, secara artistik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
craft | n 1. skill, keahlian, kemahiran, ketukangan: the vase is a fine example of the potter’s ~, pasu bunga itu ialah contoh yg baik keahlian tukang tembikar; 2. art, seni: the ~ of writing plays, seni penulisan drama; 3. trade, occupation, bidang; (requiring manual dexterity) pertukangan: an actor who is master of his ~, seorang pelakon yg mahir dlm bidangnya; art and ~, seni lukis dan pertukangan; 4. guild, kumpulan sekerja; 5. boat, vessel, lancang; 6. (old-fashioned) guile, tipu muslihat: he got the contract by ~ and guile, dia mendapat kontrak itu secara tipu muslihat; full of ~, sangat licik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cinema | n 1. (theatr) panggung wayang (gambar), pawagam; ~ - goer, kaki wayang; 2. cinematography, seni /perfileman, wayang/: his main interest is the ~, minatnya yg utama ialah dlm seni perfileman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
artistry | n 1. artistic ability, bakat: her ~ as a dancer, bakatnya sbg seorang penari; 2. artistic quality, keindahan seni: a musical presented with ~, drama muzik yg dipersembahkan dgn penuh keindahan seni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fine1 | not to put too ~ a point on it, bercakap terus terang: I’m not a fan of modern art. Not to put too ~ a point on it, it bores me stiff, saya bukan peminat seni lukis moden. Kalau bercakap terus terang, seni itu sungguh membosankan; one ~ day, (in story-telling) pd suatu hari; one of these ~ days, (pd) suatu hari /nanti, kelak/: one of these ~ days you’ll go too far and he’ll hit you back, pd suatu hari kelak, kamu akan bertindak keterlaluan dan dia akan membalas pukulanmu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |