century | n abad, kurun: in the twentieth ~, dlm abad kedua puluh; for centuries, berabad-abad (lamanya): the Ming Dynasty ruled China for centuries, Dinasti Ming memerintah negara China berabad-abad lamanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half-century | n /setengah, separuh /abad. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
annals | n 1. record of events year by year, catatan tahunan, abad; 2. historical records, catatan sejarah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
early | adj & adv 1. near to the beginning of, awal: in the ~ part of this century, pd awal abad ini; ~ in September, pd awal bulan September; in ~ spring, pd awal musim bunga; in the ~ fifties, pd awal tahun-tahun lima puluhan; ~ in the morning, pagi-pagi (lagi); 2. among the first, awal:Shakespeare’s ~ plays, drama-drama awal Shakespeare; the ~ Malay novelists, novelis-novelis awal Melayu; ~ Christians, penganut-penganut awal agama Kristian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hanging | n 1. punishment by execution on the gallows, hukuman gantung: ~ was abolished at the turn of the century, hukuman gantung dihapuskan di penghujung abad itu; 2. act of hanging so., penggantungan: a public ~, penggantungan di khalayak ramai; 3. (usu in pl) cloth, drapery, etc hung on the wall, approp n + dinding: expensive ~s from India, hamparan dinding yg mahal dr India. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grant | he was ~ed permission to stay, dia diberi kebenaran utk tinggal di situ; this land was ~ed to his family three centuries ago, tanah ini diberi kpd keluarganya tiga abad yg lalu; a region that has been ~ed autonomy, kawasan yg telah diberikan kuasa autonomi; ~ so. o’s time, meluangkan masa utk sso: thank you for ~ing us so much of your time, terima kasih krn telah sudi meluangkan masa yg begitu banyak utk kami; 3. (fml) admit truth of, concede, akui: I ~ you he has everything that a man could want, saya akui dia | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concord | n 1. (fml) friendly relationship between people, nations, etc, kerukunan: nations that have lived in ~ for centuries, negara-negara yg hidup dlm kerukunan berabad-abad lamanya; 2. treaty, perjanjian: the ~ ended the dispute, perjanjian itu mengakhiri perbalahan; 3. (mus) konkord; 4. (gram.) konkord. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
late | 2. fairly advanced, a.(of morning, afternoon, evening) lewat: she should arrive by ~ afternoon, dia harus sampai lewat tengah hari; b. (of night) lewat, larut; c. (of season, era, etc) akhir: in ~ summer, pd akhir musim panas; the ~ eighteenth century, akhir abad kelapan belas; a good example of a ~ Victorian building, satu contoh yg baik bangunan zaman Victoria akhir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | c. return to (an earlier point in time), /kembali, balik/ semula: let us ~ back to the point discussed earlier, mari kita kembali semula kpd perkara yg telah dibincangkan lebih awal; d. trace descent, boleh disusul kembali keturunan hingga: his family ~es back to the 18th century, keluarganya boleh disusul kembali keturunannya hingga ke abad ke-18; e. return to activity one was engaged in, semula, kembali, balik: ~ back to sleep, tidur semula; ~ back to work, bekerja semula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emotionalism | n1. emotional nature, quality, penuh /emosi, perasaan/; (of person) sifat terlalu mengikut perasaan: a speech marked by ~, ucapan yg penuh emosi; the ~ of adolescent girls, sifat gadis-gadis remaja yg terlalu mengikut perasaan; 2. (in art, ethics, etc) unsur-unsur emosi: the ~ in the early 19th century works, unsur-unsur emosi dlm karya-karya awal abad ke-19. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |