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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

doaux v 1. (to form questions) adakah; (with “when”, “why”, “what”, etc) [not translated]; (in negative constructions) tidakkah: ~ you smoke?, adakah saudara merokok?; when did he go?, bilakah dia pergi?; why did he leave the government service?, mengapakah dia meninggalkan perkhidmatan kerajaan?; didn’t he tell you?, tidakkah dia memberitahu kamu?; 2. (to form negative statements), [not translated]: he ~es not wish to make any comments, dia tdk berhasrat utk membuat sebarang ulasan; 3. (to stress that a verb is positive) memang: I did see him just now, saya memang jumpa dia tadi; 4. (in polite or formal invitations) sila(lah): ~ have some cakes, silalah makan kek; 5. (to strengthen o’s plea or persuasion) -lah: ~ call when you arrive there, telefonlah apabila kamu tiba di sana; 6. (with a negative in imperative constructions) jangan: ~n’t play the fool with him, jangan main-main dengannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fit1vt 1. be of the correct size, shape, etc for, padan dgn: do the shoes ~ you?, adakah kasut itu padan dgn tuan?; this key won’t ~ the lock, kunci itu tdk padan dgn lubang kunci; 2. (usu pass.) cause to try on, (act.) meminta sso menyedang [n]; (pass.) menyedang + approp n: our tailors will ~ you for your ceremonial robes on Monday, tukang jahit kami akan meminta tuan menyedang jubah istiadat pd hari Isnin; she is being ~ted for her wedding dress, dia sedang menyedang pakaian pengantinnya; 3. (fix in place) memasang; (provide) memasangi: the carpenter ~ted a new door, tukang kayu itu memasang pintu baru; the cupboard is ~ted with shelves and drawers, almari itu dipasangi para dan laci;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
freshadj 1. (of flowers and food) segar, baru: is that meat ~ or frozen?, adakah daging itu segar atau sejuk beku?; I prefer ~ vegetables to dried ones, saya lebih menggemari sayur segar drpd sayur kering; ~ bread, roti baru; ~ eggs, telur segar; the flowers do not look ~ at all, bunga itu tdk langsung kelihatan segar; ~ guavas, jambu batu baru; ~ milk, susu segar; 2. recently created, arrived, found, happened, produced, etc, baru; (of paint etc) basah, belum kering: a ~ outlook, pandangan baru; in the light of this ~ evidence..., kerana ada bukti baru ini...;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
completeadj 1. having or containing all the necessary parts, lengkap, sempurna: is your set ~?, adakah peranggu kamu lengkap?; a kitchen ~ with modern gadgets, dapur yg lengkap dgn peralatan moden; 2. finished, siap, selesai: his work is not yet ~, kerjanya belum siap lagi; 3. thorough, absolute, benar-benar, betul-betul: I am in ~ sympathy with him, saya benar-benar bersimpati terhadapnya; the project was a ~ failure, projek itu benar-benar gagal; 4. entire, seluruh: we were asked to design a ~ township, kami diminta mereka bentuk seluruh bandar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
buildvi 1. construct st, have st constructed, melakukan kerja pembinaan: are they ~ing in that area now?, adakah mereka sedang melakukan kerja pembinaan di kawasan itu sekarang?; 2. also ~ up, increase in intensity, bertambah kencang: the wind was ~ing, angin bertambah kencang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
enoughadv 1. sufficiently, cukup: the vegetables aren’t cooked ~, sayur-sayur itu tdk cukup masak; is he warm ~?, adakah dia cukup panas?; you have worked hard ~, kamu telah bekerja cukup kuat; 2. fairly, agak: he knows the town well ~ not to get lost, dia agak tahu selok-belok bandar itu dan tdk akan sesat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
competentadj 1. adequately qualified, cekap: a ~ secretary, setiausaha yg cekap; is he ~ enough to do the job?, adakah dia cukup cekap utk menjalankan kerja itu?; 2. satisfactory, memuaskan: she did a ~ job, dia melaksanakan tugas itu dgn memuaskan; 3. (leg.) kompeten: a ~ witness, saksi yg kompeten.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
anythingn & pron 1. (non-emphatic) something, apa-apa, sesuatu: is there ~ I can do to help?, adakah sesuatu yg dapat saya buat utk menolong?; if you see ~ unusual, let me know, kalau kamu nampak apa-apa yg luar biasa, beritahulah saya; 2. (emphatic) no matter what, a. (in all except negative sentences) apa(-apa) saja, apa(-apa) pun: I’ll do ~ you like, saya akan melakukan apa saja yg kamu sukai; I’ll eat ~ but that, saya akan memakan apa saja kecuali itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jurisdictionn 1. (right to exercise) legal power or authority, kuasa: does the court have ~ over foreigners who live in this country?, adakah mahkamah mempunyai kuasa thdp orang-orang asing yg bermastautin di negeri ini?; 2. extent of such power, bidang kuasa: the matter is not within the ~ of this court, perkara itu bukan di bawah bidang kuasa mahkamah ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
anypron 1. one or more than one person indiscriminately (out of a group) a. (when non-emphatic in Malay) sesiapa, mana-mana: have ~ of them arrived?, adakah sesiapa di antara mereka yg telah sampai?; do you know ~ of those boys?, kenalkah kamu akan sesiapa di antara budak-budak lelaki itu?; b. (when emphatic in Malay) sesiapa /pun, saja/: ~ but she would have been happy, sesiapa pun kecuali dia tentu akan berasa gembira; it is not true that she is smarter than ~ of us, tdk benar bahawa dia lebih pandai drpd sesiapa pun antara kita; c. (in conditional sentences) sesiapa, ada, mana-mana: if ~ of you know his whereabouts, please inform the police, jika ada sesiapa antara kamu yg mengetahui di mana dia berada, sila beritahu pihak polis; 2. any number, amount or kind,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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