ancient | adj 1. of early origin, kuno, purba, purbakala: ~ customs, adat-adat kuno; ~ artefacts, artifak purba; 2. very old, a. (of person) sangat tua; b. (of thing) sangat lama: this is a very ~ house, rumah ini sangat lama; c. (of tree) sangat tua; an ~ oak tree, pokok oak yg sangat tua; 3. (esp rel to period before the fall of Western Roman Empirei) kuno, purba, purbakala: ~ Greek philosophers, ahli falsafah Yunani kuno; literature both ~ and modern, kesusasteraan purba dan moden; ~ history, a. sejarah /purba, kuno, purbakala/; b. (fig.) cerita /lama, basi/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conventional | adj 1. based on convention, menurut /adat kebiasaan, (adat) resam/: he was accorded the ~ welcome, dia diberi sambutan menurut adat kebiasaan; ~ propriety, sopan santun menurut adat kebiasaan; 2. following, conforming to what is customary, lazim, konvensional; (of person) konvensional: a ~ design, corak konvensional; ~ methods, kaedah konvensional; he is not at all ~, dia sama sekali tdk konvensional; 3. (of weapon, warfare, etc) biasa: ~ weapons, senjata biasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hangover | n 1. after-effects of alcoholic overindulgence, pening krn terlalu banyak minum; 2. st that remains, peninggalan: these customs are ~s from the past, adat-adat ini ialah peninggalan zaman lampau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
custom | n 1. tradition of a society, adat (resam): local ~s, adat resam tempatan; to study the manners and ~s of the aboriginal people, mengkaji adab sopan dan adat resam orang-orang asli; 2. habitual practice, kebiasaan, kelaziman: it is the ~ in our family to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, sudah menjadi kelaziman dlm keluarga kami merayakan hari lahir dan hari ulang tahun; 3. patronage, langganan: she withdrew her ~ and shopped elsewhere, dia menarik balik langganannya dan membeli di tempat lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ceremonial | n adat istiadat: court ~, adat istiadat istana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
due | patut diberikan kpd pegawai atasan; with ~ ceremony, dgn adat istiadat yg selayaknya: he was crowned with ~ ceremony, dia dimahkotai dgn adat istiadat yg selayaknya; 4. payable, perlu dibayar: the rent is ~ tomorrow, sewa perlu dibayar esok; ~ date, tarikh /cukup tempoh, matang/; /fall, become/ ~, perlu /dibayar, dijelaskan/: the payment falls ~ on the first of every month, bayaran perlu dijelaskan pd satu hari bulan setiap bulan; 5. because of, owing to, disebabkan, kerana: the delay was ~ to a technical fault, kelewatan itu disebabkan kerosakan teknik; there was a poor turnout at the match ~ to heavy rain, tdk ramai orang yg datang utk menyaksikan perlawanan itu krn hujan lebat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decorum | n kesopanan, ketertiban; have a sense of ~, tahu adat, beradat; have no sense of ~, tdk /tahu adat, beradat/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ceremonious | adj 1. (of public function) penuh (adat) istiadat, beradat: a ~ reception, sambutan yg penuh adat istiadat; 2. (of person, manner) beradat: a ~ bow, tunduk hormat yg beradat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand | ~ on, a. pass by hand, menyerahkan, memberikan: the torch was ~ed on from runner to runner, obor itu diserahkan drpd seorang pelari kpd pelari yg lain; b. pass (from one person to another) mengedarkan: he ~ed the letter on to the other people on the list, dia mengedarkan surat itu kpd orang-orang lain dlm senarai tersebut; c. pass on (from one generation to another) menurunkan: the customs that have been ~ed on from our forefathers, adat-adat yg telah diturunkan drpd nenek moyang kita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fade | b. also ~ away (of hope) menjadi tipis: their hopes of finding any survivors ~d when evening came, harapan mereka utk mencari orang-orang yg masih hidup menjadi tipis apabila malam tiba; c. (of beauty, glory) menjadi /pudar, luntur/; 5. also ~ away, become gradually eliminated, beransur /hilang, luput, lenyap/: all memory of the past has ~d from his mind, semua ingatan masa lalu telah beransur hilang dr fikirannya; the old customs are ~ing away, adat-adat lama beransur luput; 6. also ~ away, disappear from sight, semakin /hilang, lenyap/ (dr pandangan): the hills ~d from view, bukit-bukau itu semakin hilang dr pandangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |