horrific | adj dahsyat, sangat menakutkan: ~ murder scenes, adegan-adegan pembunuhan yg dahsyat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | 3. angry, panas (hati): don’t get ~ over a silly argument, jangan naik panas krn pertengkaran bodoh itu; 4. excited, ardent, panas (berahi); 5. sexually exciting, seks yg hangat: they’ve cut out the ~test scenes in the film, mereka telah memotong adegan-adegan seks yg paling hangat dlm filem itu; 6. exciting, intense, hangat: the ~test part of the campaign, waktu yg paling hangat kempen itu; the battle for custody of the child grew ~ter, perebutan utk mendapatkan hak penjagaan kanak-kanak itu bertambah hangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flash | 3. appear suddenly, muncul: one by one, the pictures of the suspects ~ed onto the screen, satu demi satu, gambar orang-orang yg disyaki muncul di skrin; 4. come rapidly (into the mind) terlintas, terkilat: the thought ~ ed through his mind, fikiran itu terlintas di kepalanya; the moving scenes at the airport ~ed once again across his mind, adegan-adegan yg mengharukan di lapangan terbang sekali lagi terkilat di fikirannya; 5. (colloq) expose the genitals, /menunjukkan, memperlihatkan/ kemaluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fade | ~ st in, (in film etc ) memendammasukkan sst: to ~ in an earlier scene, utk memendammasukkan adegan yg terdahulu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enactment | n 1. law, enakmen; 2. act of representing in or as in a play, pelakonan: the ~ of a scene from a play, pelakonan sst adegan dr sst drama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foretaste | n [various translations]: fighting the fire was like a ~ of hell, melawan api kebakaran itu terasa spt bayangan keadaan di neraka; the first scene is only a ~ of what is to come, adegan pertama itu hanyalah merupakan cecapan dr apa yg akan datang seterusnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gore 1 | n (liter. or rhet) blood from fighting etc, [various translations]: slain men covered with ~, orang-orang yg terbunuh yg berlumuran darah; films full of ~ and violence, filem-filem yg penuh dgn adegan berdarah dan keganasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gory | adj 1. (liter.) covered in blood, berlumuran darah: the ~ corpse still lay on the floor, mayat yg berlumuran darah itu masih terbaring di lantai; 2. (lit. & fig.) full of unpleasantness and bloodshed, [various translations]: a ~ battle, pertempuran berdarah; a ~ tale, cerita yg mengerikan; a ~ film, filem yg penuh dgn adegan berdarah; she revealed all the ~ details about their tempestuous relationship, wanita itu mendedahkan hal-hal yg kurang enak didengar ttg perhubungan mereka yg sentiasa bergelora itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emotional | adj 1. of, rel to the emotions, emosi; (tech) emosian: she has ~ problems, dia mengalami masalah emosi; the change was quite an ~ upset for the child, perubahan itu merupakan gangguan emosi yg cukup berat thdp kanak-kanak itu; ~ disorder, kecelaruan emosian; 2. causing or showing emotion, penuh /emosi, perasaan/: an ~ scene in a play, adegan drama yg penuh perasaan; an ~ appeal, rayuan yg penuh emosi; 3. (of person) terlalu mengikut perasaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | 4. set, arrange table or places for a meal, menyediakan, menyiapkan: ~ an extra place at the table, will you?, bolehkah kamu sediakan tempat tambahan di meja itu?; she always ~s the table for breakfast, dia selalu menyiapkan meja utk sarapan; 5. prepare material for fire, mengunggunkan; 6. (usu pass.) locate, berlatarkan: the scene of the novel is laid in France, adegan dlm novel itu berlatarkan Perancis; 7. bet, bertaruh; (offer st as a bet) mempertaruhkan, membuat pertaruhan: they laid $50.00 on the horse, mereka mempertaruhkan $50.00 pd kuda itu; I’ll ~ 10 to 1 that the champion wins again, saya bertaruh 10 - 1 juara itu akan menang lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |