administrator | n pentadbir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
capable | adj berkebolehan: a ~ administrator, seorang pentadbir yg berkebolehan; be ~ of, a. have the ability to, berupaya: children are not ~ of looking after their own interests, kanak-kanak tdk berupaya menjaga kepentingan diri mereka sendiri; b. have financial means to, mampu, berkemampuan; c. have no hesitation for, sanggup: a person who is ~ of any crime, seorang yg sanggup melakukan sebarang perbuatan jenayah; he is not ~ of lying, dia tdk sanggup berbohong; d. be receptive to, dapat: the situation is ~ of improvement, keadaan itu dapat diperbaik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
front | have the ~ to do st, berani + approp v: he had the ~ to tell Mavis that she was a bad administrator, dia berani memberitahu Mavis bahawa dia pentadbir yg kurang baik; in ~, a. in a forward position, di /depan, hadapan/: a large house with a courtyard in ~, rumah besar dgn pekarangan di depan; b. ahead, lebih /dahulu, awal/: he was behind for most of the race but managed to finish in ~, kebanyakan masa dlm perlumbaan itu dia di belakang, tetapi berjaya menamatkan perlumbaan lebih dahulu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |