active | 5. (gram.) aktif: ~ voice, ragam aktif; 6. (of volcano) hidup, (masih) aktif; 7. (commerce) aktif: ~ bond, bon aktif; ~ money, wang aktif; ~ account, akaun aktif; ~ market, pasaran /cergas, aktif/; ~ balance, imbangan positif; 8. (science) aktif: ~ deposit, /endapan, enapan/ aktif; ~ hydrogen, hidrogen aktif; ~ ingredient, ramuan aktif; ~ mass, jisim aktif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inactive | adj tdk aktif; (of person) tdk /cergas, aktif/; (of share market) tdk /aktif, cergas/, lembap: living an ~ life, menjalani ehidupan yg tdk aktif; the account has been ~ for three years, akaun itu sudah tiga tahun tdk aktif; ~ enzyme, enzim tdk aktif; ~ ingredient, ramuan tdk aktif; he’s a lazy, ~ fellow, dia malas dan tdk cergas; the stock market is ~ today, pasaran saham tdk cergas hari ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
active | n 1. (verb ) kata kerja aktif; 2. (voice) the ~,ragam aktif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hyperactive | adj terlampau aktif, hiperaktif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
active | adj 1. physically energetic, nimble, cergas: at seventy he is still very ~, walaupun sudah berusia tujuh puluh tahun dia masih cergas; an ~ child, kanak-kanak yg cergas; 2. alert, cerdas: an ~ mind, akal yg cerdas; 3. effective, practical, aktif: to take an ~ part in st, mengambil bahagian yg aktif dlm sst; be an ~ force, berpengaruh: he is still an ~ force in the party, dia masih berpengaruh dlm parti itu; 4. participating, contributing, aktif: an ~ member, ahli yg aktif; be ~ in (politics, an organisation, etc) /aktif, giat/ dlm (politik, pertubuhan, dll); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
asleep | adj; fall ~, a. also drop ~, into a state of sleep, (ter)tidur, terlena, terlelap; (of royalty) beradu: he fell ~ during the meeting, dia tertidur semasa mesyuarat sedang berlangsung; b. into a state of inactivity, tidur, menjadi /tdk aktif, kelesa/; c. (euphem) into the state of death, menutup mata; lay ~, tidur, lena; be /fast, sound/ ~, tidur /lelap, lena, nyenyak/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
asleep | adj 1. in a state of sleep, tidur; (of royalty) beradu; (unintentionally) tertidur, terlena, terlelap: the baby is ~ at last, akhirnya bayi itu tidur; to be sound ~, tidur nyenyak; he was ~ on his feet, dia tertidur sambil berdiri; 2. dormant, inactive, tidur, tdk aktif, kelesa: an organization that is weak and usually ~,sebuah pertubuhan yg lemah dan sentiasa tidur; 3. numb, kebas: my foot is ~, kaki saya kebas; 4. (euphem) dead, menutup mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |