assorted | adj 1. consisting of various kinds, aneka /jenis, pilihan/: a box of ~ chocolates, sekotak coklat aneka jenis; 2. matched, padan, sesuai: a well- ~ couple, pasangan yg benar-benar padan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grill 1 | n 1. gridiron, besi /pemanggang, penyalai/; 2. apparatus on cooker for grilling, gril: put the fish under the ~ for a short while, letakkan ikan di bawah gril seketika; 3. meat cooked by grilling, daging gril; mixed ~, gril aneka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | ~ about, a. on the point of, baru hendak: I was ~ about to knock when the door suddenly flew open, saya baru saja hendak mengetuk apabila pintu itu tiba-tiba dibuka luas; b. approximately, roughly, lebih kurang: he’s ~ about your height, tingginya lebih kurang tinggi kamu; c. almost, hampir: in the big department stores you can buy ~ about anything, di gedung-gedung serba aneka yg besar kita boleh membeli hampir apa saja; the book is ~ about finished, buku itu hampir selesai; it’s ~ about three o’clock, sudah hampir pukul tiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |