cross-check | vt menyemak silang: he ~ ed the figures, dia menyemak silang angka-angka itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fudge2 | vt (derog) 1. falsify, memalsukan: he ~d the figures to cover the discrepancy, dia memalsukan angka-angka itu utk menutup perbezaannya; 2. dodge (a problem, issue, etc) mengelakkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
add | ~ up, a. see vi; b. result in correct total, mencapai jumlah yg betul: the figures somehow do not ~ up, angka-angka itu entah bagaimana tdk mencapai jumlahnya yg betul; c. make sense, munasabah, masuk akal, dapat diterima: statements that just do not ~ up, kenyataan-kenyataan yg tdk munasabah; ~ st up, see vt (sense 1. b.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
figure | n 1. symbol for a number, angka: write the number in ~s, tulis nombor itu dlm bentuk angka; single ~s, angka tunggal: the government managed to bring down inflation to single ~s, kerajaan dapat menurunkan kadar inflasi kpd angka tunggal; double ~s, puluhan, dua angka; three ~s, ratusan, tiga angka; four ~s, ribuan, empat angka: the death rate has entered four ~s for the first time, utk pertama kalinya kadar kematian mencapai empat angka; five ~s, puluhan ribu, lima angka; six ~s, ratusan ribu, enam angka; seven ~ s, jutaan, tujuh angka; 2. amount presented in numbers, jumlah: a ~ of $2,000 was suggested, sejumlah $2,000 telah dicadangkan; the ~ he mentioned was unacceptable, jumlah yg disebutnya tdk dapat diterima; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accord | vi 1. correspond, selaras, sejajar, bertepatan: his principles and his life-style do not always ~, prinsip dan gaya hidupnya tdk selalunya selaras; 2. tally, sama: figures that did not ~ with those in our records, angka-angka yg tdk sama dgn yg terdapat dlm rekod kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
add | vt 1. combine to form a sum, a. (one number to another) mencampurkan: to ~ six and eleven, mencampurkan enam dgn sebelas; b. also ~ st up, (two or more numbers) mencampurkan, menjumlahkan: he ~ed up the figures in the column, dia mencampurkan angka-angka dlm ruang itu; 2. also ~ (st) in, put or pour in, memasukkan, membubuh; (with intention to adulterate) mencampurkan: she ~ed flour to the mixture, dia memasukkan tepung ke dlm adunan; 3. increase amount of, menambahkan, membubuh lagi: to ~ more sugar to the coffee, menambahkan gula ke dlm kopi; 4. join so as to increase, memasukkan, menggabungkan: to ~ the cost of the freight to the total cost, memasukkan kos pengangkutan ke dlm jumlah kos; to ~ the interest to the capital, memasukkan faedah ke dlm jumlah pinjaman pokok; to ~ the new evidence to that already available, memasukkan bukti yg baru diperoleh kpd yg sedia ada; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflated | adj 1. puffed up, (with air, gas) kembung; (by pumping air into st) telah dipam; (by blowing air into st) telah ditiup: an ~ rubber tube, tiub getah yg telah dipam; 2. (of prices), (telah) melambung: I can’t afford these ~ prices, saya tdk mampu membeli krn harga barang-barang telah melambung; charge ~ prices, meletakkan harga yg tinggi; 3. swollen, exaggerated, melambung; (of figures, statements, etc), (telah) dibesar-besarkan: he has an ~ opinion of his own ability, dia mempunyai pendapat yg melambung ttg kebolehannya; he claimed that those were ~ figures, dia mendakwa bahawa angka-angka itu telah dibesar-besarkan; be ~ with pride, berasa sangat bangga; 4. (of style, language) bombastic, pompous, melambung-lambung: an ~ style of speaking, gaya percakapan melambung-lambung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
column | n 1. upright pillar, tiang: the ~s supporting the roof, tiang-tiang yg menyokong bumbung; Nelson’s ~, tiang Nelson; 2. any column-shaped object or mass, a. (of smoke etc) kepulan, gumpalan; b. (of water) pancutan, memancut: a ~ of water shot up from the ground, pancutan air dr tanah; c. (the steering column) turus roda kemudi; 3. (journ) regular article, feature, ruang: gossip ~, ruang desas-desus; 4. a vertical row or list, lajur: write the figures in the ~s provided, tulis angka-angka di dalam lajur yg disediakan; 5. line of ships, people, etc following one another, jajaran: a ~ of soldiers, jajaran askar; a ~ of ants, jajaran semut; 6. (bot) turus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Arabic numerals | n angka Arab. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
innumerate | adj (UK) buta angka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |