boy-meets-girl | adj asmara muda-mudi: a ~ story, kisah asmara muda-mudi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
besotted | adj 1. intoxicated, mabuk: a man ~ with drink, lelaki yg mabuk akibat minuman keras; 2. infatuated, obsessed, mabuk /asmara, cinta, berahi/: a ~ lover, kekasih yg mabuk asmara; ~ with the beauty of the famous model, mabuk asmara oleh kejelitaan peragawati yg terkenal itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Cupid | n dewa asmara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dalliance | n 1. (old fashioned) flirtation, bermain asmara; 2. trifling (with idea, plan, etc) bermain-main. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affair | ~ of honour, perang /mendada, tanding(an)/, pertarungan; ~ of the heart, hubungan /cinta, asmara/; state of ~s,keadaan: in the present state of ~s, dlm keadaan sekarang ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dally | ~ with, a. think about but not seriously, berfikir-fikir walaupun tdk sepenuh hati: they dallied with the idea of migrating to Canada, mereka berfikir-fikir, walaupun tdk sepenuh hati, utk berhijrah ke Kanada; b. trifle with, (person) bermain asmara; (person’s affection) mempermainkan: he merely dallied with her, dia hanya bermain asmara dgn gadis itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fling | n lemparan, lontaran, balingan; give st a ~, /melempar, melontar, membaling/ sst; have a ~, (colloq) a. enjoy os for the last time, berseronok-seronok (buat kali terakhir): we decided to have a last ~ and drink up all the champagne before the Germans arrived, kami memutuskan utk berseronok-seronok buat kali terakhir dan menghabiskan champagne sebelum tentera Jerman tiba; b. have casual love affair, bermain asmara: she had a ~ with a visiting American actor, dia bermain asmara dgn seorang pelakon Amerika yg datang berkunjung; have a ~ at st, give st a ~, mencuba sst: I’m willing to have a ~ at the job, saya sanggup mencuba pekerjaan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flavour | n 1. (natural, innate) rasa; (added) perisa: French cheeses all have their own ~, semua keju Perancis mempunyai rasa yg tersendiri; the cake had a vanilla ~, kek itu berperisa vanila; 2. (fig.) bau: the story has a romantic ~, cerita itu berbau asmara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affair | 3. controversial incident, peristiwa, urusan: the Lockheed ~, peristiwa Lockheed; 4. (colloq) happening, peristiwa, [sometimes not translated]: the whole ~ went very well, seluruh peristiwa itu berjalan dgn baik; the tea-party was a boring ~, jamuan teh itu membosankan; 5. (colloq) thing, [not translatedi]: his outfit was a strange ~, pakaiannya ganjil; 6. also love ~, hubungan /cinta, asmara/: to have an ~ (with so.), membuat hubungan cinta (dgn sso); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |