aspect | n 1. appearance to the eye, aspek: the physical ~ of the country, aspek fizikal negeri itu; 2. facet, phase, aspek, segi: other ~s of the employment conditions should also be considered, aspek-aspek lain ttg keadaan pekerjaan hendaklah dipertimbangkan juga; 3. way in which st may be considered, aspek, segi: to study the problem from various ~s, mengkaji masalah itu dr berbagai-bagai aspek; 4. facial expression, mien, wajah, roman, air muka, rupa, paras: a man with a gentle ~, seorang lelaki yg berwajah lembut; 5. position facing particular direction, /menghadap, mengarah, menghala/ ke: the block of flats has a northern ~, blok rumah pangsa itu menghadap ke utara; 6. side facing particular direction, bahagian: the dorsal ~ of a fish, bahagian dorsal ikan; 7. (gram.) aspek. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
facet | n 1. (of gemstone) segi: a diamond cut with fifty-six ~s, berlian yg dicanai lima puluh enam segi; 2. (of compound eye) faset; 3. aspect, aspek: to study every ~ of the problem, mengkaji setiap aspek masalah itu; the different ~s of his personality, aspek-aspek peribadinya yg berbeza; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distinction | n 1. act of differentiating, discriminating, membezakan, pembezaan: without ~ as to rank or creed, tanpa membezakan pangkat atau kepercayaan; /make, draw/ a ~ between, membuat perbezaan antara: to draw a ~ between the political and non-political aspects of the issue, membuat perbezaan antara aspek-aspek politik dan bukan politik isu itu; 2. difference, perbezaan: ~s of birth are no longer important, perbezaan keturunan tdk penting lagi; there is a ~ between the two synonyms, terdapat perbezaan antara kedua-dua kata seerti itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
economics | n 1. (the science), (ilmu) ekonomi: knowledge of ~, pengetahuan ttg ilmu ekonomi; an ~ student, pelajar ekonomi; 2. financial aspects, aspek ekonomi: the ~ of the proposal must be carefully examined, aspek ekonomi saranan itu mesti dikaji dgn teliti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
humorous | adj lucu; (liter.) humor, lucu: the ~ side of life, aspek kehidupan yg lucu; a ~ remark, kata-kata yg lucu; a ~ person, orang yg lucu; ~ characters in a play, watak-watak humor dlm sesebuah drama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grey area | n perkara yg /samar-samar, kabur/: this particular aspect is a ~ in the taxation regulations, dlm peraturan pencukaian aspek ini masih merupakan perkara yg samar-samar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deal | ~ with, a. be about, membincangkan, membicarakan, memperkatakan: the book ~s with all aspects of landscape architecture, buku itu membincangkan segala aspek seni taman; a report ~ing with the dowry system in India, satu laporan yg membincangkan sistem hantaran kahwin di India; b. behave towards, handle, menghadapi; (in a polite, courteous, etc manner) melayani: how to ~ with a drunken husband, bagaimana hendak menghadapi seorang suami yg pemabuk; he ~s politely with customers, dia melayani pelanggan dgn sopan santun; c. tackle, attend to, bertindak thdp, menangani, mengatasi: how would you ~ with such a problem, bagaimana kamu bertindak thdp masalah yg spt itu; d. do business with, berurusan dgn: she no longer ~s with that shop, dia tdk lagi berurusan dgn kedai itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faceted | adj; many ~, multi - ~, a. (of gemstone ) bersegi-segi: a many - ~ emerald, zamrud yg bersegi-segi; b. having several different aspects to it, berbagai-bagai aspek: multi - ~ problems, masalah-masalah yg berbagai-bagai aspeknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grubby | adj 1. kotor, comot: the mechanic’s ~ hands, tangan mekanik yg kotor itu; the ~ child, kanak-kanak yg comot itu; 2. (fig.) kotor: the ~ side of his life was never made known to the public, aspek kehidupannya yg kotor tdk pernah diketahui umum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bearing | n 1. outward behaviour, (ber)perawakan: he has a distinguished ~, dia berperawakan spt orang kenamaan; a man of soldierly ~, orang yg mempunyai perawakan spt perwira; 2. relation, relevance, kaitan, hubungan, pertalian: what he had said has no ~ on the dispute, kata-katanya itu tdk ada kaitannya dgn pertikaian ini; 3. aspect, aspek, segi: it is necessary to look at the issue in all its ~s, perlu ditinjau persoalan itu dr segala aspeknya; 4. (mech), (usu in pl) galas: main ~, galas utama; 5. als/o compass ~__, bering, kedudukan: to take a ~ on the ship in distress, menentukan kedudukan kapal yg berada dlm kecemasan itu; 6. (usu in pl) position rel to surroundings, kedudukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |