Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[Öa.syi/.Öa.syi/]/[a.syi/.a.syi/] | عاشيق ٢

Definisi : balik-balik, sering kali: ~ per­kara itu juga yg dibangkitkannya; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata asyik-asyik


Anak burung pandai berenang,
     Menghilang di rimba hutan berduri;
Malang hamba asyik terkenang,
     Orang dikenang membenci diri.

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Seperti bulan dimakan rahu.

Bermaksud :

Memeluk kekasih dengan asyik sekali. rahu = ular naga yang dipercayai menyebabkan gerhana bulan (matahari).


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

absorbedadj; /be, become/ ~ in, asyik dgn, /asyik, leka/ + approp v; (in activity that is spiritual in nature) khusyuk + approp v: she became ~ in social work, dia asyik dgn kerja kebajikan; to be ~ in a book, (sedang) asyik membaca buku; to be ~ in meditation, khusyuk bertafakur; with ~ /attention, interest/, dgn asyiknya, dgn /sepenuh minat, keasyikan/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
deepbe ~ in, (thought, day-dream, work, etc) asyik: to be ~ in thought, asyik berfikir; to be ~ in a book, asyik membaca; to be ~ in conversation, asyik berbual; ~ in debt, hutang sekeliling pinggang; ~ in trouble, ada kesalahan besar: he is ~ in trouble with the police, dia ada kesalahan besar dgn polis; thrown in at the ~ end, terkapai-kapai: having had little experience in running an organization, I was thrown in at the ~ end, krn mempunyai hanya sedikit pengalaman dlm mengendalikan organisasi, saya terkapai-kapai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
immerse~ os in, cause os to be totally absorbed in, asyik: he would ~ himself in his work, dia asyik membuat kerjanya; they were ~d in a conversation, mereka sedang asyik berbual.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
keep~ on about /so., st/, asyik bercakap ttg /sso, sst/: she kept on and on about her new boyfriend, dia asyik bercakap ttg teman barunya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
engrossvt occupy o’s attention completely, (usu pass.) asyik, leka: she is ~ed in her piano lesson, dia asyik dgn pelajaran pianonya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bit2/take, have, get/ the ~ between o’s teeth,(fig.) asyik /dgn, membuat/ sst: when he gets the ~ between his teeth, no one can make him stop, apabila dia asyik dgn pekerjaannya, tiada sesiapa pun yg dapat membuatnya berhenti;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
intentadj 1. fixed, tajam: an ~ gaze, renungan tajam; 2. absorbed, engrossed, asyik, khusyuk; (of face) kelihatan penuh khusyuk: the students were all ~ on their work, penuntut-penuntut itu semuanya asyik dgn kerja masing-masing; her heart melted as she looked down at their ~ little faces, hatinya luluh apabila direnungnya muka-muka kecil yg kelihatan penuh khusyuk itu; 3. exhibiting eager attention, kelihatan penuh minat: there was an ~ look on his face as he watched the scoreboard, wajahnya kelihatan penuh minat semasa dia memperhatikan papan mata itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brainhave a good ~, cerdik, bijak, pintar; have (got) ~s, cerdik, bijak; have not much ~, tdk berapa /cerdik, bijak/; have /so., st/ on the ~, asyik berfikir ttg /sso, sst/; (song, tune, etc ), /terngiang(-ngiang), mengiang/ di kepalanya: he has money on the ~, dia asyik berfikir ttg wang; have the ~s /for st, to do st/, cukup pandai utk /sst, membuat sst/: does he have the ~s for the job?, adakah dia cukup pandai utk membuat kerja itu?; the ~s, a. mastermind, dalang: she was the ~s behind the robbery, dialah dalang perompakan itu; b. cleverest person in a group, orang yg paling /cerdik, bijak/; c. one who plans and organizes an undertaking, (orang yg) /merancang, merencanakan/: who was the ~s behind the dinner party?, siapakah yg merancang majlis makan malam itu?; the best ~s, cendekiawan, cerdik pandai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
evidentlyadv jelas, nyata: he is ~ engrossed in his work, dia nyata asyik dgn kerjanya; they were ~ ignorant of the situation, jelas mereka jahil ttg situasi itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grumpn (colloq) grumpy person, perengus; have the ~s, (asyik) merengus.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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