above | adv 1. at a higher point, di (sebelah) atas: the branches ~, dahan-dahan di sebelah atas; from ~, dari atas: seen from ~, dilihat dari atas; 2. to a higher point, ke atas; 3. on a higher floor, di atas, di tingkat atas: there are three bedrooms ~, ada tiga buah bilik tidur di atas; 4. to a higher floor, ke atas, ke tingkat atas: a stairway that leads ~, tangga yg menuju ke atas; 5. in the sky, di langit: the moon ~, bulan di langit; 6. (of sky, ceiling, etc), [not translated]: the blue sky ~, langit biru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
above | prep 1. at a place etc higher than, di atas: he lived in a room ~ the shop, dia tinggal di sebuah bilik di atas kedai; to fly ~ the clouds, terbang di atas awan; 2. to a place etc higher than, melewati, melampaui: the flood waters have risen ~ the steps, air bah telah naik melewati tangga; 3. more than, lebih drpd: ~ freezing point, lebih drpd takat beku; her car costs ~ M$15,000, keretanya berharga lebih drpd M$15, 000; to be ~ twenty-one in age, berusia lebih drpd dua puluh satu tahun; to value honour ~ wealth, menghargai maruah lebih drpd kekayaan; 4. too honourable to stoop to (st) bukanlah orangnya utk: he is ~ telling lies, dia bukanlah orangnya utk berbohong; be not ~, sanggup: I am not ~ doing what is necessary, saya sanggup melakukan apa yg perlu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aboard | prep 1. in or on, di, di atas: passengers ~ the Titanic, penumpang-penumpang di kapal Titanic; 2. onto or into, ke, ke atas, ke dlm: to haul the crate ~ the boat, menarik peti kayu itu ke atas kapal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attack | n 1. physical assault, serangan: the Japanese ~ on Pearl Harbour, serangan Jepun ke atas Pearl Harbour; an ~ on so’s life, serangan ke atas diri sso; they made several ~s on the enemy stronghold, mereka melakukan beberapa serangan ke atas kubu pihak musuh; come under ~, diserang; 2. adverse criticism, a. (of so.) serangan, bidasan: the ~ against the Member of Parliment, bidasan thdp Ahli Parlimen; b. (of st) bidasan, serangan, kritikan yg hebat: to defend o’s work against the ~s of the critics, mempertahankan karya sso drpd bidasan pengkritik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bet | vt 1. stake, mempertaruhkan: he ~ted $500.00 on the game, dia mempertaruhkan $500.00 atas perlawanan itu; 2. make a bet with, /bertaruh, membuat pertaruhan/ dgn: I ~ him $20.00 on the race, saya bertaruh $20.00 dengannya atas perlumbaan itu; 3. lay a bet on, membuat pertaruhan atas: he ~ the track favourite, dia membuat pertaruhan atas kuda kegemaran itu; 4. feel certain, pasti, berani bertaruh: I ~ he will not turn up, saya pasti bahawa dia tdk akan datang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aloft | adj & adv 1. up above, di atas; 2. upwards, ke atas 3. (naut) a. on higher part of ship, di puncak layar: he stayed ~ to watch for sharks, dia berada di puncak layar utk meninjau ikan yu; b. to higher part of ship, ke puncak layar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
block | vt 1. shape on a block, membentuk [n] di atas kelebut: to ~ a hat, membentuk topi di atas kelebut 2. obstruct, (act.) menyekat, menghalangi, merintangi; (pass.) tersekat, terhalang, terintang: they tried to ~ his promotion, mereka mencuba menyekat kenaikan pangkatnya; to ~ a bill, menyekat rang undang-undang; to ~ an opponent, menyekat lawan; the road was ~ed by a landslide, jalan raya itu tersekat oleh tanah runtuh; 3. restrict use, conversion of (currency etc) mengehadkan /penggunaan, pertukaran/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blame | n 1. censure, celaan: he desired neither praise nor ~, dia tdk mengingini pujian atau celaan; 2. responsibility for a fault, tanggungjawab (atas sst): the ~ lies with me, tanggungjawab atas kesalahan itu terletak di bahu saya; /bear, take/ the ~, sanggup /dipersalahkan, dipertanggungjawabkan/: I’ll take the ~ for what has happened, saya sanggup dipertanggungjawabkan atas apa yg berlaku; /put, lay, throw/ the ~ for st on so., menyalahkan sso krn sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jump | vi 1. leap, melompat, meloncat: the cat ~ed onto the table, kucing itu melompat ke atas meja; she ~ed across the stream, dia melompat menyeberangi sungai; he ~ed on his horse and rode away, dia melompat ke atas kudanya lalu pergi; the fish ~ed out of the water, ikan itu melompat keluar dr air; to ~ with joy, melompat-lompat keriangan; 2. leap from a very high place or into a large body of water, terjun: he ~ed from the third floor and miraculously survived, dia terjun dr tingkat tiga dan yg menakjubkan, dia selamat; they ~ed into the muddy river and swam across to the mainland, mereka terjun ke dlm sungai yg berlumpur itu dan berenang ke tanah besar; 3. move hastily (into, out of, etc) bergegas, melompat: at the sound of the alarm, he ~ed out of bed, apabila jam gerak berdering, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cushion | n 1. soft, padded pillow or case, kusyen: she knelt on the ~ to pray, dia berlutut di atas kusyen utk berdoa; the ~s on these chairs need replacing, kusyen kerusi ini perlu ditukar; 2. st that acts like a pad, kusyen; (of moss, grass) lembut spt kusyen: ~ of air, kusyen udara; steam left in the cylinder acts as a ~ for the piston, stim yg masih ada di dlm silinder itu bertindak sbg kusyen kpd omboh; fortunately he fell on a ~ of wet moss, nasib baik dia jatuh di atas lumut yg basah yg lembut spt kusyen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |